Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why Romney lost in Michigan - Blame the Democrats

Will he lose Michigan? We'll know in 24 hours but with Santorum running ads hitting the 'workers' hot button and calling on Democrats to vote for Santorum, Romney may well lose.

And a defeat here, even a close one, will make a much, much bigger splash then Romneys big victory in Arizona.

So what does Romney do?

Well he could stop talking -

Describing an event he was at that occured before he was born is kinda weird.........

Maybe that's why he doesn't excite his base.

Or more accurately he doesn't have a base to excite. 

But instead he'll blame the Democrats.

Michigan is an 'open primary' State so anyone can vote for any candidate.

And if I lived in Michigan, I'd vote for Santorum. Why?

Something HAS to wake up the Republican party. The party of Eisenhower and Reagan.

So if the Republicans won't wake up, discipline themselves, maybe the Democrats should step up and do it for them.

It's not just the Republicans losing the Presidential election, it's America losing what should be the real and intelligent debate between two differing opinions as to the economy and the  direction of our Nation.

And instead, we're getting ideological crap from the fringe of the Republican party. A fringe that with each passing day, is gaining credibility because no one in the Republican party will (or can) stop it and redirect the energy of the Republican party back to the real issues of ALL Americans - the economy.

Not going to college.

Not contraception.

Not seperation of church and State.

Not name calling.

But - 'It's the economy stupid'.

So why is this happening? How could a moderate Conservative like Romney lose to a biblicial Constitutionalists like Santorum?

Go back to 1970 -

Roger ailes proposes a National news network for the GOP to Nixon.

In 1996, Roger Ailes launches Fox.

To boost ratings (for profit) Fox attaches and promotes a small political movement called the Tea party beginning in 2009.

From the beginning, Fox was the 'dog wagging the the Tea party tail'.

Fox gave the Tea party 'credibility' even thosugh there was very little credibility.

The Tea party took the lead in the 2010 Midterm elections and Republicans soared. Then it fell flat on it's face.

Good rhetoric does not equal good policy.

But the toothpaste was already out of the tube.

Fox is now toning down it's rhetoric but the tea party which proved to be a failure, has been taken over by the fringe religious right that has waited oh so long for this opportunity.

And that's why Romney lost in Michigan (maybe).

The Republican party embraced the popularity of the Tea party (profit for Fox) over the practicality of policies giving credibility to now fringe religious right.

But blame the Democrats.

So while Romney lost in Michigan (maybe), Americans are the real losers.

We've lost the needed debate about the economy for our future to the need to go back to our religious foundings.

The new Republican party song :

A Rick-A-Day keeps the intelliegence at bay

"We went into a recession in 2008 because of gasoline prices," Santorum told a packed hotel ballroom of supporters. "The bubble burst in housing because people couldn’t pay their mortgages because of $4 a gallon gasoline," he added.
From : http://www.buzzfeed.com/zekejmiller/santorum-gas-prices-caused-the-2008-recession

'One Democratic economist points out four problems with Santorum's argument':

1) The NBER business cycle dating commission said the recession began in December of 2007 and he’s talking about prices in summer 2008.

2) Lehman fails in September 2008 and the economy collapses. That leads gasoline prices to plunge precipitously (check out the price series at http://gasbuddy.com/gb_retail_price_chart.aspx and click on the 5 year or 4 year graph) according to all analysts at the time because people understand output will be falling, not the other way around.

3) By Santorum’s reasoning, why didn’t the fall in gasoline prices from a record of 4.12 in summer 08 or from 3.75 in September 08 down to 1.61 in December 08 lead to a big recovery? Obviously the economy is driving the gasoline price not the other way around.

4) High gas prices hit consumers, no question, but the average person drives about 10k miles and gets 20 mpg so uses about 500 gallons. If gas prices go up a full $1 per gallon, that’s an extra $500 bucks a person or around $1000 per household. That’s a tough hit but compared to a 14.5 trillion economy, it’s hard to see that causing the recession.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Doomsday? Or maybe an idea who's time is coming?

Is it that far fetched to make plans?

'CHEYENNE — State representatives on Friday advanced legislation to launch a study into what Wyoming should do in the event of a complete economic or political collapse in the United States'.

'House Bill 85 passed on first reading by a voice vote. It would create a state-run government continuity task force, which would study and prepare Wyoming for potential catastrophes, from disruptions in food and energy supplies to a complete meltdown of the federal government'.

'The task force would look at the feasibility of :

'Wyoming issuing its own alternative currency, if needed. And House members approved an amendment Friday by state Rep. Kermit Brown, R-Laramie, to have the task force also examine conditions under which Wyoming would need to implement its own military draft, raise a standing army, and acquire strike aircraft and an aircraft carrier'.

'The bill must pass two more House votes before it would head to the Senate for consideration'.

'University of Wyoming political science professor Jim King said the potential for a complete unraveling of the U.S. government and economy is “astronomically remote” in the foreseeable future'.

'But King noted that the federal government set up a Continuity of Government Commission in 2002, of which former U.S. Sen. Al Simpson, R-Wyo., was co-chairman.
From : http://trib.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/wyoming-house-advances-doomsday-bill/article_af6e1b2b-0ca4-553f-85e9-92c0f58c00bd.html

Continuity of Government Commission

The 'Faith' of the coming Culture Wars

I found this great piece (and site)

In it he asks -

'How can democracy flourish without civility, respect for those with whom we differ, and a sense of mutual understanding'?

And that is and will be the bottom line if you will.

Respect for those with whom we differ.

We are a diverse Nation of people. It is not MY Country - it is OUR Country.

And this is why we are failing. 

Rick Santorum on education

“I understand why Barack Obama wants to send every kid to college, because of their indoctrination mills, absolutely … The indoctrination that is going on at the university level is a harm to our country.”

'He claimed that “62 percent of kids who go into college with a faith commitment leave without it,” but declined to cite a source for the figure'.
From : http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/political-animal-a/2012_02/satans_indoctrination_camps035619.php

The Three Card Monte of gasoline prices

Three Card Monte is a bait and switch game. A 'shill' pretends to play along with the 'mark' to cheat the 'dealer'.

The 'mark' in our case is the American consumer.

The 'shill' is the oil industry.

And the 'dealer'? The Future Contracts of oil. The 'speculators'.

The oil industry says it needs to explore and open new markets and all the while getting Billions of dollars from the Government - i.e. the taxpayer - i.e. the consumer in subsidies to help pay for that exploration.

The speculator moves paper (literally) around and makes Million and Millions of dollars and as this is 'capital gains', gets taxed at a flat 15% rate.

The consumer, having paid taxes that go to the oil industry as subsidies and actually working for a living 'gets' to pay a higher rate of taxes then the speculators.

There is an old saying 'Defication rolls down hill.

Three guesses and the first two are wrong as to who out of the oil industry, the speculators or the consumer is at the bottom of the hill.
See : http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2012/02/21/139521/once-again-speculators-behind.html

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Weekly 2012

Three 'fronts' for President Obama this week.

1. Gas prices. How high and how long. $4.50 and above and 3 months and he will have problems. $4.00 and 60 days and not so much as it won't extend into the election and Americans have extremely short attention spans.
But for the time being, get use to the lumping of 'failed policies' mantra.

2. Still running against Congress is his best bet. The Superme Court may actually put off a decision of the AHCA. Start Googling Anti-Injunction Act :

 (I can't see them actually do that but.......) and that would be the only high profile news that would shake the Republican House. But here the President again can continue to campaign against them as they, Congress, would call for the repeal and replace and still have no plan for replacement.
Actually they do have a 'replace' plan. They call it 'options'. Most of us would call it being handed the phone book turned to the 'I's'. Pick and insurnace company.

3. Staying above the Republican Presidential candidates 'fray'.
The raise, mostly from Gingrich and Santorum of the 'Obama is anti'American'.
The voters that do have an attention span, and mostly moderates at this stage of the election process, have the intelligence to know that Obama isn''t anti-American.
They also understand that THAT line of campaiging is used to replace a lack of policy proposals.

Republicnas -

It's almost like a portion of the Republican Party has decided that since women have gotten the 'right' to vote, they've gotten kind of 'uppity'. So men will have to step in and decide for them re:their reproduction and basicly sex practices in general.

You have to start asking yourself - are there Republicans in high positions that are directing this? Or is it a case of the tail wagging the dog?

The President and Democrats in general, are going to 'lose' 2-5 Million votes due to the tightening of voting laws in a dozen States.
See : http://americancityandcounty.com/new-laws/states-and-local-governments-face-new-voting-laws-2012
A good article and also the link to the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law's article “Voting Law Changes in 2012”.

Is it possible that the Republicans felt bad about that so are going to (pardon my 'french') piss off women?

Mitt Romney - It's trending that Mitt will win in Michigan and Arizona on Tuesday. But at this stage and in a

State that he has family ties to, it should have been an easy victory.

In fact at this point, he should be racking up victories and stock piliung cash to use in the general Election.

Instead he's having to campaign had and spend big.

Romney simply put, does not enthuse, excite the Republicans.

A loss in Michigan and the general lack of enthusiasm would mean an end to the Romney campaign. He'd stay in as he DOES have the money and organization but the State's going into the loss column will greatly out number the winning States.

And after Tuesady? Even with at least one and maybe two wins, it doesn't get any easier - Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Massachusetts, N. Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont and Virgina.
At best, Romney is looking at a 50-50 split here.

Rick Santorum -

The opposite of Mitt is Rick. He DOES excite the minority base of the Republican party.

Unfortunately while he's doing THAT, he's scaring the crap out of moderate middle America.



Santorum would represent a culture war. If you aren't 'Christian' and we'll decide who is and isn't, then you are anti - American.

How sad is it that the seeming focus of a campaign is on religion and it's roll in daily life and education instead of positive proposals to rebuild America and put it back to work?

Newt -

Well Newt got his Super Pac money :

The problem of course is that it's to be spent on stopping Santorum not Romney.

Adleson wants Obama out but not at the risk of Santorum in.

Ron Paul -

Yes he's still running. The only question is how many delegates will he have and will they be of any use on the, what's becoming more and more likely on a first ballot of what will be a 'brokered' Convention.

The Convention -

There are two people, Former Governor Jeb Bush and Governor Chris Christie that have the name recognition AND would excite the moderates both in the Republican Party and in general, that their nomination at the Republican Convention could and depending on the economy, would defeat President Obama.

More importantly and something that should be happening right now, is the intelligent debate on the real issues facing America we shoulld and could be having.

Either's nomination, with or without a victory in November, would split the Republican Party and to the point where the minority of tea and religious right would have to form a 3rd National political party.

Huge Kudos to Crooks and Liars


As I wander around the web, I like coming across blogs from other States as it give me some perspective on their thought on issues and how it affects them.

C & L lists Horses Ass for Washington State and a blog I've read for a long time.

So again a big THANKS to Crooks and Liars for putting all 50 States in one place.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Coming soon to a Republican Convention near you - Favorite Son Jeb Bush

Of the 4 remaining Republican Presidential candidates, only Romney would get above 40% of the vote. Only two people, Jeb Bush and Chris Christie have enough name recognition to be nominated in August and compete. Now the only question is how much longer will the rank and file of the Repubican Party continue to let a minority of tea and religious right to be the tail wagging the dog?

“I used to be a conservative and I watch these debates and I’m wondering, I don’t think I’ve changed, but it’s a little troubling sometimes when people are appealing to people’s fears and emotion rather than trying to get them to look over the horizon for a broader perspective and that’s kind of where we are,” said Bush'.

“I think it’s important for the candidates to recognize though they have to appeal to primary voters, and not turn off independent voters that will be part of a winning coalition,” he said'.
'The former Florida governor has not endorsed any of the Republicans currently running for president'.
From : http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0212/73242.html

No I am not endorsing Bush but America deserves an intelligent debate on the issues. What we are getting is fear and loathing form the right.

Just because it always has been doesn't mean it always will be. We are rapidly approching that point where we won't be.

Sweet Home Washington (State)

Usually Washington State is an also mentioned. Say Washington and almost everybody thinks of D.C.

So it's always of note when any national agency or organization takes the time to spotlight us.
Thank you PPP.

We are going to have a new Governor this year and so far the race is pretty close 'PPP finds the race for Governor of Washington tied, with Jay Inslee and Rob McKenna each at 42%'.
McKenna has been our State's Attorney General since our current Governor left the job. (Check me on that.) He's also been running for Governor almost as long.
Inslee is the D and depending on the trend in National politics and a couple of in State initiatives, that will more then likely determine his fate.

Our State legislature recently passed and the Governor signed into law the 'same sex marriage' law. Even before it was signed, opposition was started against it.

'-The vote on gay marriage in Washington looks like it should be pretty close. 50% of voters say they'll vote to uphold the law legalizing gay marriage, while 46% say they would vote to repeal it. You see the standard huge generational gap on this issue. Young voters support gay marriage 63/32, while seniors oppose it 56/39. Even if voters do repeal the law this fall, it's pretty clear the direction things are moving in'.

That pretty much sums it up. An initiative of 'everything but marriage' passed 3 years ago so if you can't see the writing on the wall it's because you don't want to look.

And the other issue - '-Washington voters are also leaning toward legalizing marijuana. 47% of voters say they're currently inclined to vote yes on Initiative 502 to 39% who are opposed. This leads by double digits with every age group except for seniors, who oppose it 45/35'.

Again more writing on the wall.

I was very surprised to see this - 'Christine Gregoire continues to be one of the most unpopular Governors in the country with 40% of voters approving of her to 53% who disapprove. The only Governors we've found with a higher disapproval rating than her in the last year are Hawaii's Neil Abercrombie and Florida's Rick Scott'.

The bulk of our State's revenue is sales tax based. Gregorie has done a decent job but with the recession AND having to depend mostly on sales tax, not a lot of wiggle room.

But wow! to be in the same neighborhood as Florida's Rick Scott?!

We also have a US Senate seat up for grabs.

One of the people running for the seat is a teabagger form my area of the State.Michael Baumgartner. 2 years ago when he was running for State Senator his opponant charged that the teabagger was only using the Senate race as a stepping stone. And of course the teabagger said 'Oh of course I'm not'.
Less then a year after winning the State Senate seat, the tea bagger announced he was running for US Seante.

That will be the focus of the campaign against him. Accountability. Remember THAT tea party?

Well that and the last I saw Cantwell had raised $1.5 Million and Baumgartner had rtaised $150,000.


'Romney wrote a lengthy reply warning against European-style polarization. “Dogmatic ideological parties tend to splinter the political and social fabric of a nation,” Romney wrote. Worse, he added, political parties with fixed ideological programs “lead to governmental crises and deadlocks, and stymie the compromises so often necessary to preserve freedom and achieve progress.”

That was then Michigan Governor George Romney.

He 'and other leading moderates, called for a more inclusive GOP and critized Goldwater’s campaign. Stung by the failure of many moderates to actively support or even formally endorse his candidacy, Goldwater retorted that he needed no lessons in maintaining unity'.
From : http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/is-2012-1964-all-over-again/

How much of tghis is going to be replayed over the coming months?

 “The Missing Middle in American Politics—How Moderate Republicans Became Extinct” (apparently a review of Geoffrey Kabaservice’s Rule and Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party from Eisenhower to the Tea Party).

'Just 40 percent of Republicans say they have a great deal of interest in following the contest, compared with 48 percent in December'.

The TaxMan

It can not be stated any plainer then this. Our Nation, all that we have become, our lives were 'paid forward' by the post WWII Generation.

This is what has changed in America.

Want your Country back? Look back and pay forward.

'No corporation in the US actually pays 35% on income.  Too many loopholes'.

'The distinction between statutory tax rates and effective rates. But it only takes a sentence or two, so here it is'.

'The statutory rate is the top rate in the tax table. Right now it's 35% for corporations.

'The effective rate is what corporations actually pay after their accountants are done combing the tax code for deductions and loopholes. The former is one of the highest in the world. That latter has been falling for years and is now one of the lowest'.
'That's right! The actual federal income tax paid by corporations is one of the lowest in the world'.
From : http://zandarvts.blogspot.com/2012/02/last-call_22.html

Here's Drum's orginal article and a good one too! : http://motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2012/02/no-american-corporations-are-not-being-crushed-under-irs-jackboot

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rick Santorum's 'Phony Theology' Idea - pt 1

The orgins of some of Santorum's thoughts and speeches come from :

This is just the tip of the 'culture war iceburg' that a Santorum candidacy and Presidency would bring.

This is not an 'anit - Republican' post. It's a 'where IS the Republican party post.

What has happened to the Conservative movement? 

Somewhere in America, people voted for this person

'A Fort Wayne lawmaker's rant against the Girl Scouts went viral Monday after he called them a "radicalized organization" that supports abortion and promotes "homosexual lifestyles."

'Rep. Bob Morris, R-Fort Wayne, sent a letter to Indiana House Republicans on Saturday explaining why he was the only member in the chamber not to sign onto a resolution last week celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts'.

'Morris said he did some Web-based research and found allegations that the Girl Scouts are a tactical arm of Planned Parenthood, that they allow transgender females to join, "just like any real girl," and encourage sex'.

'Morris also said the fact that first lady Michelle Obama is honorary president "should give each of us reason to pause before our individual and collective endorsement of the organization."
From : http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20120221/NEWS07/302219934

The letter : http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20120220/BLOGS01/120229962/-1/blogs

Some take aways -

'Nonetheless, abundant evidence proves that the agenda of Planned Parenthood includes sexualizing young girls through the Girl Scouts, which is quickly becoming a tactical arm of Planned Parenthood'.

'Many parents are abandoning the Girl Scouts because they promote homosexual lifestyles'.

'Of the fifty role models listed, only three have a briefly-mentioned religious background – all the rest are feminists, lesbians, or Communists'.

The Birth Control Hearings - For Men

Found this over at Crooks and Liars and loved it!

From : http://crooksandliars.com/andy-cobb/birth-control-hearings-redux

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why Romney won't win - either race

There are two 'races' in the Republican Presidential field.

One is the 'race' to the nomination. The other will be the 'race' in the General Election.

This is why Former Governor Mitt Romney won't be the Republican nomniee :

'Nine states have voted so far, and in six of them the former Massachusetts governor has shed supporters who voted for him in 2008, winning fewer votes in each of those states than he did last time'.
From : http://p.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/feb/19/romney-shows-trouble-keeping-supporters-from-2008/

'The frontrunner (Rick Santorum) for the Republican presidential nomination says that that President Barack Obama embraces a 'phony theology'; that large-scale public education is an outdated idea, and that contraception is 'not okay.' And let's not forget his statement last month that he didn't want to 'make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money.'
From : http://www.opednews.com/Quicklink/GOP-Frontrunner-Santorum--in-General_News-120219-882.html

Rush Limbaugh - 'Romney is not a conservative. He's not, folks'.
From : http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/10/12/rush_limbaugh_romney_is_not_a_conservative.html


Rush Limbaugh - “I think there's a possibility of something happening nobody's talking about -- and that's the reemergence of Newt".
From : http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/limbaugh-predicts-gingrich-comeback/2012/02/20/id/429984


Eric Erickson of Red State - 'Mitt Romney as the Nominee: Conservatism Dies and Barack Obama Wins'
From : http://www.redstate.com/erick/2011/11/08/mitt-romney-as-the-nominee-conservatism-dies-and-barack-obama-wins/

Romney's very  unenthusiastic performance so far, Rick Santorum energising the Republican base and the two stalwart Conservative performers denouncing Romney.

Romney may still win Michigan and Arizona (but with very narrow wins) but on Super Tuesday the South will raise up and so may Ohio. All against Romney.

Who could have imagined that after Super Tuesday, instead of having the clear frontrunner being Mitt Romney, instead what may will be left is Santorum and Gingrich with Paul collecting enough Caucus State delegates to hold off a first ballot victory at the Convention.

What should have been a year long victory lap for the Republicans has turned into a circus.

Send in the clowns..........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIqx5_w-dnk


Thanks to http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/most-confusing-speed-limit-sign-ever/

Follow the money

More and more as the Republican Presidential field proves to be too radical for the moderates that will be needed to win in the General Election this fall, the 'Super PAC's' will be focusing on State and COngressional races.

The thinking being why throw good money after bad.

And good thinking that is too.

After the 2010 elections, State legislatures that had turned 'Conservative' are also seen as having gone too far. A 'buyers remorse' is going to be a very likely result in State elections in 2012.

On a National level, Congress and specificly the Hosue has seemingly almost turned on the middle class in this Nation.

Preception withstanding, voting for tax breaks for the wealthiest and NOT wanting to offset with cuts in spending and then almost insisting on cuts in spending to offset the payroll tax cuts that would benefit the middle class. Twice almost shutting down the Government over the 'debt' with the focus on cutting social programs while the Nation faces massive un and underemployment and the middle class having the raising need for social programs.

The Conservatives in Congress have abruptly changed their public stance but how much damage has already been done?

So look for the money to move away from the Presidential race and towards the State and Congressional races attmempting to avert the trending towards returning Democrats back in 'charge'.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

"The Worst Day Since Yesterday"

Woke up to still another day of a skiff of snow, a promise of
wind, rain and clouds.

Flogging Molly gets it right :

I first head this song in a Stargate Universe episode.

A Future Lesson

This is a 34 minute film so WAY beyond the atgtention span of most people. But it is also a great history and future lesson.

10 Questions

Many humble thanks to Wendy Gittleson at Addicting Info

1. 'Why is it that when people hoard things, they are a scourge on society and when they hoard money, they are job creators? In fact, aren’t the people that buy things the true job creators'?

2. 'Both the 10 Commandments and the Seven Deadly Sins have no mention of being gay or having abortions. Greed, though, seems to be a biggie. Why do conservatives seem to get that backwards'.

3. 'At what point did getting sick become a moral failing'?

4. 'In what way are people who buy and sell paper making a more significant contribution to society than teachers, nurses, firefighters, police officers, mail carriers, artists, etc'?

5. 'When did the right to unlimited profit become greater than the general welfare of the people'?

6. 'Why don’t people realize that there’s no such thing as a “self made man?” Even the most successful and ethical people can thank their parents, their teachers, their siblings, their employees, their customers, the government, their contractors, etc. Without them, they would be nothing'?

7. 'Why is physical labor less important than sitting behind a desk'?

8. 'Why should people who inherit their money not pay taxes and people who earn their money be taxed at the highest rate'?

9. 'At what point did we start judging people based on the size of their checkbook rather than the size of the heart'?

10. 'How has being a conservative helped you'?
From :

The Cooking Channel - 1950

I found this wandering around at Lawyers, Guns and Money :

From :

To think this was 'us' just 60 years ago.

Somewhere In America People Elected This Person

'Today [NH state] Rep. Jeanine Notter (R-Merrimack), who sits on the State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee, caught our attention once again with another of her “Notter Notions”. During a hearing on late-entry House Resolution 29, urging the United States Department of Health and Human Services to rescind its rule requiring health plans to cover preventative services for women such as contraceptives, she told committee members that health plans shouldn’t cover birth control because it causes prostate cancer'.
From : http://mikethemadbiologist.com/2012/02/18/medicine-movement-conservative-style-its-every-bit-as-daffy-as-altie-woo/

'For those of you keeping score at home, women don’t have prostates, men do'.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Caturday At The Kane's

It's SantanerDay!

'Smooth' out some of our Winter blues..............


If you ain't tapping your feet

Check your heartbeat.........

Yeah I'm a poet and I didn;t know it (GRINS!)

Guitar Man

I linked this :


From Zander vs.The Stupid :


The artist and I hope most would consider him just that, an artist, name is Jon Gomm and the song is 'Passionflower'.

Leading 'Change' 'from behind

I don't imagine this is what the Democrats or President Obama had in mind when they ran on the 'Change' mantra but wanted or not, actually the Republicans are doing all this themselves, here it comes.

'A new Democracy Corps (D) survey finds the Republican brand “is in a state of collapse — over 50 percent of voters give the Republican Party a cool, negative rating. The presidential race and the congressional battles are interacting with each other to drive down their lead candidate, the party, and perceptions of the congressional Republicans.” …

'Most interesting: Voters who gave Democrats their victories in 2006 and 2008 “have returned in a big way” led by “a resurgence and re-engagement of unmarried women.”
From : http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/39931_New_Poll_Finds_Republicans_in_State_of_Collapse#rss

The story also has the PDF of the poll so you can check out the methodology.

The Rick Santorum 'great Satan'

This may very well be the focus of a Santorum Presidential campaign - Attacking what he precieves as the wrong in academia.

'The place where he was, in my mind, the most successful and first successful was in academia. He understood pride of smart people. He attacked them at their weakest, that they were, in fact, smarter than everybody else and could come up with something new and different. Pursue new truths, deny the existence of truth, play with it because they're smart. And so academia, a long time ago, fell'


'This is not a political war at all. This is not a cultural war. This is a spiritual war. And the Father of Lies has his sights on what you would think the Father of Lies would have his sights on: a good, decent, powerful, influential country - the United States of America. If you were Satan, who would you attack in this day and age? There is no one else to go after other than the United States and that has been the case now for almost two hundred years, once America's preeminence was sown by our great Founding Fathers'.

'He didn't have much success in the early days. Our foundation was very strong, in fact, is very strong. But over time, that great, acidic quality of time corrodes even the strongest foundations. And Satan has done so by attacking the great institutions of America, using those great vices of pride, vanity, and sensuality as the root to attack all of the strong plants that have so deeply rooted in the American tradition'.

'He was successful. He attacks all of us and he attacks all of our institutions. The place where he was, in my mind, the most successful and first successful was in academia. He understood pride of smart people. He attacked them at their weakest, that they were, in fact, smarter than everybody else and could come up with something new and different. Pursue new truths, deny the existence of truth, play with it because they're smart. And so academia, a long time ago, fell'.

'And you say "what could be the impact of academia falling?" Well, I would have the argument that the other structures that I'm going to talk about here had root of their destruction because of academia. Because what academia does is educate the elites in our society, educates the leaders in our society, particularly at the college level. And they were the first to fall'.

'And so what we saw this domino effect, once the colleges fell and those who were being education in our institutions, the next was the church. Now you’d say, ‘wait, the Catholic Church’? No. We all know that this country was founded on a Judeo-Christian ethic but the Judeo-Christian ethic was a Protestant Judeo-Christian ethic, sure the Catholics had some influence, but this was a Protestant country and the Protestant ethic, mainstream, mainline Protestantism, and of course we look at the shape of mainline Protestantism in this country and it is in shambles, it is gone from the world of Christianity as I see it. So they attacked mainline Protestantism, they attacked the Church, and what better way to go after smart people who also believe they’re pious to use both vanity and pride to also go after the Church'.

'After that, you start destroying the Church and you start destroying academia, the culture is where their next success was and I need not even go into the state of the popular culture today. Whether its sensuality of vanity of the famous in America, they are peacocks on display and they have taken their poor behavior and made it fashionable. The corruption of culture, the corruption of manners, the corruption of decency is now on display whether it’s the NBA or whether it’s a rock concert or whether it’s on a movie set'.

'The fourth, and this was harder, now I know you’re going to challenge me on this one, but politics and government was the next to fall. You say, ‘you would think they would be the first to fall, as fallible as we are in politics,’ but people in political life get elected by ordinary folks from lots of places all over the country where the foundations of this country are still strong. So while we may certainly have had examples, the body politic held up fairly well up until the last couple of decades, but it is falling too'.
From : http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/santorum-satan-systematically-destroying-america

When Last We Were All Americans

'On February 20, 1962, Glenn made his famous journey around the planet aboard NASA's Friendship 7 spacecraft. During the nearly five-hour mission, he circled the globe three times'.
From : http://lightyears.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/17/godspeed-happy-anniversary-john-glenn/?hpt=hp_c3

It makes you wonder why and how did we become so polorized? And more worrisome, can we ever be one America again?

Law Of The Land vs. Doing The Right Thing

'(CNN) - The Supreme Court has blocked enforcement of a ruling by Montana's highest court that upholds the state's century-long restrictions on independent political spending by outside groups in election campaigns'.

'Opponents of the restrictions say they conflict with the Supreme Court's landmark free speech ruling in 2010 that gave corporations greater power to spend their own money in federal elections'.

'The case is American Tradition Partnership Inc. v. Bullock (11A762)'.
From : http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/17/supreme-court-blocks-montana-ruling-against-outside-group-spending/

What was that Conservative Mantra of 'legislating from the Bench'?

This in no way forces politicians to spend but Congress has become so weak and polorized, that they are unable to pass ANY legislation re:campaign finances.

To para phrase the Capital One commercial - 'Which politician is in your wallet'?

Friday, February 17, 2012

It's Friday! What's For Lunch?


I'm a traditionalists. Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen.

The Weekly 2012

If I were President Obama, I'd start buying lottery tickets because he HAS to be the luckiest politician in the History of the United States.

From 'an attack on religious freedom' to Senator Blount putting forth legislation about 'conscious objection' allowing ALL employers to cut ALL birth control and even other coverage from offered insurance.

See : http://www.stlbeacon.org/issues-politics/280-washington/116057-under-fire-for-rights-of-conscience-amendment-blunt-claims-misinformation

It's like reactionary politics on bad steriods.

See : http://www.care2.com/causes/congress-calls-birth-control-hearing-for-men.html

Lets have a room full of men debate and decide birth control issues for women.

Now. Any questions as to why Congress has a 10% approval rating?

Do Republicans just NOT want women to vote for them - ever?

And the President also got another week or twos break from the eventual Greek debt collaspe so the EU will stay intact for a while longer.

If the EU holds together until the end of the year (less then 50% - 50% ON that) so that there ISN'T the domino effect of collasping currencies and economies and the US still has a large population to export to and our own economy keeps trending upwards (or at least not downwards) then President Obama should have a fairly easy re-election in November.

It seems the Republicans don't want to run anyone credible against him.

Mitt Romney -
There just isn't a 'base' for him. It comes down to 'Well, he's not as bad as the others'.

And the desperation in his pleas from the stump -

'trees are just the right height'

See : http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2012/02/16/romney_faces_challenges_in_home_state_of__michigan_113141.html

'Trees are the right height?" Yes I know that's just one sentence out of his apperance there but it's a pattern he repeats everywhere.

'If I eat that bug, will you vote for me?'

Romneycare, his 'economic plan' that raises taxes on those making under $50,000 and cutting them on those making over and his disconnect - $10,000 bets, 'Corporations are people too', paying a tax rate much lower then the majoeity of middle class Americans.

If he loses in Michigan, he has the money and organization to keep going but Super Tuesday will give him another 'punch' and the mounting string of State loses then nullifies his 'electibility'.

Rick Santorum -
Biblical Constitutionalists

See : http://www.tennesenministries.com/pages/Articles/bib_con.htm

Maybe one of the better explanations.

Yet the Constitution only mentions religion twice :

Article 6 - ' but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States'.

And the First Amendment - 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof'.

A person can be religious but OUR government isn't. And that is what scares and puts more and more people off of Santorum.

Add to this he is starting to steer his campaign towards 'real Americans' vs. the 'elite'.

We just went through this 2 years ago re:the Tea Party. Americans have already decided (with only minor exceptions) that we are ALL Americans. 'Real' is a political hot button term not a practical reality.

Santorum's strenght is in the 20% - 40% of the Conservatives that are mad at Government in general. Again this is a minority as the majorily of Americans want Government to function. See Congress 10% approval rating.

If Santorum wins Michigan and then continues his run, Romney will start to gain popularity again as Santorum has more and more exposure.

In a General Election, a Santorum candidacy could result in one of the greatest political defeats in US history.

Newt Gingrich -

If Adelson keeps funding him through Super Tuesday -

Then Newt will pick up steam - again! - winning maybe 2 or 3 of the Southern States. Newt's orgainzation FAILED to get him on the Virginia ballot or he could have won in additional State.

But Newt's Billionare is only funding him so that he will stop Santorum.

How, in the long term, how will THAT sit with the angry, vindictive Newt is yet to be seen.

Ron Paul -

The 'tortoise' of the Republican Presidential candidates. Slowly, methodically collecting delegates.

He has no chance of winning the nomination. He won't run as a 3rd Party candidate. But he COULD become a sort of power broker at the Republican Convention.

As Mitt, Rick and maybe even Newt, scramble to get enoungh delegates to win, Ron will be sitting there saying, make me Sec. of Defense or State and I'll give you my delegates.

WAY 'outside the box' scenarios  -

Thankfully if it comes to a 'brokered' Convention, Sarah Palin has agreed to 'help'and do what needs to be done -

Yeah. She blew her chance last Spring with teasing Republicans.

But now for some REAL OUTSIDE THE BOX thinking -

Jeb Bush did not endorse ANYONE during his State's primary. The Convention will be in Flordia.

And Jeb Bush is one of only two people ( Governor Chris Christie being the other) to have enough Natioanl name recognition and would bring instant enthusiasm.

The Republicans running, with each passing day, are proving that they aren't a credible challenge to President Obama.

Former Governor Jeb Bush and Governor Chris Christie COULD be the last and only 'hope' for Republicans.
A very, very good read at Sabato's Crystal Ball :

And the Republican Primary schedule :

Thursday, February 16, 2012

How 'Patriotic' of her

'Sarah Palin told Fox Business that a brokered Republican presidential convention was a possibility and that if it happened she "would do whatever I could to help'."

'Said Palin: "If one of the nominees, one of the GOPers, doesn't get enough delegates, it could go to a brokered convention. If it does get to that, and someone said, 'Governor, would you be interested,' would you be interested? For one, I think that it could get to that... If it had to be closed up today, the whole nominating process, then we could be looking at a brokered convention... Nobody is quite there yet, so I think that months from now, if that is the case, all bets are off as to who it will be, willing to offer up themselves up in their name in service to their country."
From : http://politicalwire.com/archives/2012/02/16/palin_would_help_a_brokered_convention.html

Newt - 'We're in the money'


But sadly it won't be to elect him but rather have him attack Rick so that Mitt can win.

'Billionaire Sheldon Adelson, by far the biggest financial backer of Newt Gingrich's presidential bid, is preparing to open his wallet again. But this time, the casino magnate appears to have more than one agenda'.
'In a bit of political chess, Mr. Adelson is ready to not only directly support the former House speaker in the Republican primary, but to use his cash to push Rick Santorum from his position atop the latest national polls, according to people who have discussed the matter with Mr. Adelson'.

'If Mr. Gingrich could afford to continue campaigning, one of those people said, he might be able to draw off conservative and evangelical voters from Mr. Santorum, improving the chances of Mitt Romney, who Mr. Adelson believes has a better chance to win November's general election'.
From : http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB10001424052970204062704577223583032248366-lMyQjAxMTAyMDEwNTExNDUyWj.html?mod=e2tw

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Coming to you soon before it's already happened

Linked from http://horsesass.org/ (They also have a great list of NW Blogs)
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *    *   
An Important Message From the U.S. Bureau
of Chronology.

BY Dan Guterman

- - - -For nearly 200 years, the United States Bureau of Chronology has worked tirelessly to ensure the proper linear continuum of all things taking place. That is to say, when things occur, it is our job to make sure they do so in the correct chronological sequence.

Which is why we must now regret to inform you of a future time-related mix-up, taking place earlier next Thursday shortly before what preceded it.

You see, this is exactly the kind of thing we are talking about.

How this embarrassing aberration came about we cannot say for sure. One minute, things were happening in an orderly fashion, and the next minute… well, the next minute came first is the problem.

Please remain calm. We are, or have been, or will eventually be doing everything in our power to resolve this crisis of chronology.

For instance, our agents will be dispatched into the field to monitor the matter firsthand, just as soon as they return from the field, to which they have already been deployed.

Rest assured, we have the best and brightest minds working around the clock—and due to the sudden jumps in time—across the clock.

However, until we determine what exactly went wrong, we are advising all U.S. citizens to remain indoors, stock up on canned goods, and if at all possible refrain from taking part in any activity with a distinct beginning, middle and end.

We recommend watching the films of Federico Fellini. Or the sport of soccer.

Also, please be advised that due to this unexpected deviation in time, some everyday experiences may now proceed in a manner you may find alarming. Such as drinking a glass of water, which may now start empty, and then slowly fill itself with each regurgitated gulp from your mouth. Or the act of finding your soul mate, which may now begin with eight months of messy divorce proceedings.

Also before they even start, could now end abruptly, the reading of sentences.

Incidentally, do not phone the U.S. Bureau of Chronology and leave panicked voice messages regarding the disastrous plot to assassinate Archduke Ferdinand, the debut of Cop Rock on ABC, or any recent encounters with a large Ankylosaurus grazing in your backyard.

We are aware of such phenomena and are trying to address each as best we can. Unfortunately, until some of us recover from a sudden onset of toddlerhood, and become interested in things other than choo-choo trains, there is little we may be able to do.

We know that time is running out. Unfortunately, it now appears that time is also running in.

This has been an important message from the U.S. Bureau of Chronology. We will eventually thank you for your patience.

Incidentally—gesundheit. You’ll understand why in five hours.
From : http://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/an-important-message-from-the-us-bureau-of-chronology

Back to the 'good old days'

In Utah - 'The Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Committee voted 3-0 to endorse SR1 by Sen. Casey Anderson, R-Cedar City, and sent it to the full Senate. It would order a secret-ballot poll among state senators each election year to show the public which U.S. Senate candidate they prefer'.
From : http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/politics/53514417-90/amendment-anderson-committee-poll.html.csp

Having money destroy our political system isn't bad enough. Let's go back to the 'good old days' when a few usually white, wealthy men got together and decided who would be best to 'represent' the State as it's US Senator.

Us poor 'we the people' just can't handle the responsibility of the burden that the 17th Amendment places on us.

"Fox News as being somewhat skewed on certain issues.”

But not the way you'd think or so said Patrick Brown of
The Western Center for Journalism, a conservative nonprofit that features stories questioning the president’s eligibility for office.

It seems Fox is becoing too 'liberal'.

“We actually did a poll recently that said, ‘Is Fox News actually conservative, or has it moved left?’ And some 70 percent of our readers thought it had moved left.”
From : http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0212/72825.html

Now I subscribe to Direct TV so I'm wondering on the occasions when I tune into Fox if I'm not getting the 'right' (pun not intended) Fox.

Because it's not 'liberal' to me.

The not so astute Newt

The National Review is a leading Conservative publication and one I read frequently.

Don't always agree, in fact rarely would be a better word but usually I can be inspired to think outside the 'box' that is my World.

'At the moment Rick Santorum appears to be overtaking Newt Gingrich as the principal challenger to Mitt Romney. Santorum has won more contests than Gingrich (who has won only one), has more delegates, and leads him in the polls. In at least one poll, he also leads Romney. It isn’t yet a Romney-Santorum contest, but it could be headed that way'.

'We hope so. Gingrich’s verbal and intellectual talents should make him a resource for any future Republican president. But it would be a grave mistake for the party to make someone with such poor judgment and persistent unpopularity its presidential nominee. It is not clear whether Gingrich remains in the race because he still believes he could become president next year or because he wants to avenge his wounded pride: an ambiguity that suggests the problem with him as a leader. When he led Santorum in the polls, he urged the
Pennsylvanian to leave the race. On his own arguments the proper course for him now is to endorse Santorum and exit'.
From : http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/national-review-to-newt-drop-out-and-endorse-santorum/

The Republicans need to be ADDING people to the primary. True Newt is no longer astute or smart but instead just a grumpy, angry, left and living in the past man.

But having him in the race will with the greatest of hope, inspire SOMEONE else to get into the race.

The only arguement the Republicans come up with in opposing Romney is they need an 'anti-Mitt'.

What the Republicans seem to have forgotten is that to lead their party, they need someone who is FOR America not just against Mitt.

I have no reason to live now..........

'A spokeswoman for Herman Cain confirmed this morning that the former GOP presidential candidate was approached by ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars” to appear on this season’s competition'.

'But Cain nixed the idea. “He can’t dance in an eight-count. He can only dance in a nine-count,” said Lisa Reichert, Cain’s executive assistant'.

'Nine-count. Get it? 9-9-9'.
From : http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/herman-cain-on-dancing-with-the-stars-sadly-no/

Glenn Beck: "Santorum is the next George Washington."

From : http://nationalmemo.com/article/rick-santorum-next-george-washington-video









Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Grover Norquist on a President Mitt

'All we have to do is replace Obama. ...  We are not auditioning for fearless leader. We don't need a president to tell us in what direction to go. We know what direction to go. We want the Ryan budget. ... We just need a president to sign this stuff. We don't need someone to think it up or design it. The leadership now for the modern conservative movement for the next 20 years will be coming out of the House and the Senate'.

'Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States. This is a change for Republicans: the House and Senate doing the work with the president signing bills. His job is to be captain of the team, to sign the legislation that has already been prepared'.
From : http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/02/13/grover-norquist-speech-cpac.html

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Jan. 12-17, 2012. N=1,154 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republicans in Congress are handling their job?"
1-12 to 17-12
 Approve Disapprove Unsure    
  19%       73%           8%   
  From : http://www.pollingreport.com/cong_rep.htm

Republican Presidential politics 'going to the dogs'

'You are invited to join your fellow dog lovers on Valentine's Day, tomorrow, Tuesday, February 14, to protest Mitt Romney's abusive treatment of dogs. The protest is sponsored by Dogs Against Romney - and will seek to focus more public attention on the fact that Romney forced his dog to ride for 12-hours on the roof of his car - and even coldly hosed the dog down with water after he became ill and frightened, soiling himself - before driving for hours more - all while Romney's luggage rode inside the car'.
From : http://www.dogsagainstromney.com/2012/02/for-immediate-release-dogs-against.html

'He took a dog carrier and attached it to the station wagon’s roof rack, built a special windshield, and put his dog Seamus into the carrier, where the dog remained for the 12-hour trip'.

'Was the dog distressed? Was it illegal under Massachusetts law as cruelty? There is some evidence that both are true'.

'During the trip, the Boston Globe reported, Romney’s oldest son, Tagg, looked around through the rear window and yelled, “Dad — gross!” A brown liquid was dripping down the back window — diarrhea from an animal that just might have been caused by the stress of being inside a cage for 12 hours on top of a car going 60 mph'.

'And what did Romney do, even after knowing of the dog's diarrhea? Did he realize that perhaps Seamus should be shown some mercy, cleaned up and allowed in the car, to sleep on someone’s lap'?


'Here’s how the Globe described what Romney then did':

“As the rest of the boys joined in the howls of disgust, Romney coolly pulled off the highway and into a service station. There he borrowed a hose, washed down Seamus and the car, then hopped back onto the highway. It was a tiny preview of a trait he would grow famous for in business: emotion-free crisis management.”
From : http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/01/13/romneys-dog-on-car-roof-story-makes-him-unfit-to-be-president/

Ummm. Does Romney have an Aunt?


Republicans 2012

'It’s the scenario every political reporter, and every West Wing fan, wants to see for real: a brokered convention'.

'A legitimate contested convention is still unlikely, but it’s not impossible if Santorum keeps up his strength in the Midwest, Gingrich keeps winning the South, Ron Paul keeps winning his consistent minority share of delegates, and Mitt Romney can’t rally the party behind him'.

#1 - 'While it’s way too late for any of those candidates to get on the ballot in enough states to win, they could potentially be nominated from the floor of the Republican convention. According to the RNC rules adopted in 2008, a plurality of delegates from five states need to declare their support for a candidate in order to bring them up for a vote on the nomination'.

#2 - 'The RNC codes prohibit state chairs from forcing individuals to vote with the majority of their delegates'.
“The truth is our rules are set up so the delegates of the convention are all independent,” RNC committee member Curly Haugland of North Dakota told TPM'.

# 3 - 'So bringing in a dark horse candidate as a compromise offer isn’t impossible procedurally. But in practice it may be near impossible. Political scientist Jonathan Bernstein notes that the old “brokered conventions” before the modern primary age relied on powerful party bosses'.

# 4 -'But in the current age it’s not clear there are any leaders with that kind of pull over groups of delegates, making credible negotiations more difficult to work out.
“Basically, if we ever get there, it’s up for grabs and we have no idea who the delegates will be loyal to,” Bernstein told TPM. “They may just be an individual case by case basis.”

# 5 - 'Even if by some miracle a consensus emerges around a new candidate, their problems are severe once they accept the nomination. Without any organization ready, they’d likely have to accept limited federal funds to run their effort and then hope to cannibalize from the losing contenders immediately to create some kind of functioning campaign'.

But back to the real World - 'The more realistic scenario is that Romney has to find a way to top off a delegate majority after several deadlocked ballots'.

'Another option is to get a different campaign to play kingmaker. Here is where Ron Paul could play a major factor. Not only is he racking up a loyal group of delegates, but his followers have been known to try and take over state conventions which are usually low turnout affairs, in order to select more Paul delegates than were won proportionately in the caucuses'.

'The Washington Post recently noted that Romney has gone out of his way to befriend Paul across the last two campaigns and the two seem to have a relatively warm relationship. Perhaps he could win a major platform concession from Romney in exchange for agreeing to deliver his delegates'?
From : http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/02/what-if-the-gop-contest-goes-to-convention.php?ref=fpblg

The Walking Dead - 'Two guys walk into a bar......'

Never in almost 60 years did I ever get interested much less hooked on 'zombie' movies or shows.

Then came The Walking Dead.

Why did I get hooked?

Because it's not about zombies.

Great review and comments: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/showtracker/2012/02/walking-dead-recap-all-hope-is-gone.html




Monday, February 13, 2012

The Road Not To Be Taken

When did it become not just acceptable to divide the citizens of our Country, but actually become a political platform?

'The Blunt amendment… would “ensure that health care stakeholders retain the right to provide, purchase, or enroll in health coverage that is consistent with their religious beliefs and moral convictions” under the Affordable Care Act'.
From : http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/political-animal-a/2012_02/nothing_to_see_here_folks_this035365.php

'Religious beliefs and moral convictions'.

Were some of us absent the day we learned about the First Amnedment to the Constitution?

'Amendment I'
'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances'.

If we pass a law to 'ensure that health care stakeholders retain the right to provide, purchase, or enroll in health coverage that is consistent with their religious beliefs' then we are in effect passing a law that establishes religious beliefs into practice.

Is the 'belief' seperate from the religion?

Article 6 - 'The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States'.

If we start down this road, then we are establishing a religious test supported by the laws of the United States.

Aren't we making the Founding Fathers so happy?