Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Peyton Manning watch

I've alwasy loved watching this guy. No slap at Kurt Warner and the Ram's but to me, Peyton was the 'greatest show on turf'.

Yeah $28 million is a lot of money but you'd have one ofthe greatest QB's in the history of the sport mentoring your newly drafed QB.

Heard rumors of him going to the Jets, Dallas or even San Fran.

Of course being a Washingtonian, I and many, many others have always dreamned about having a professional NFL team in Seattle and Manning would be GREAT for it.

But I balance all of that with the fact that his rehab is over injuries that won't allow any hits on him.

Peyton you have given us al so many menories. Maybe rather then going someplace and only being able to play 'carefully', you should retire.

But it's not obstructionism

This to me is the big problem. What we do, what our Government does should be about America and Americans.

The actions or lack of and their consequences today and long term.

'In a sign of just how bad congressional dysfunction has gotten, Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked the advancement of a transportation bill, a piece of legislation that traditionally has enjoyed broad bipartisan support'.

'The vote was 52-44, short of the 60 needed to take up the bill'.

'Transportation bills have traditionally been among the most popular pieces of legislation, often passing with strong bipartisan support'.

'This year's efforts have been seen by supporters as jobs legislation critical to boosting the nation's still-sluggish economy by saving or creating up to 3 million jobs. It includes a provision eagerly sought by Los Angeles officials to speed expansion of the region's public transit system and would fund politically popular traffic-easing projects'.

'But detractors, particularly conservatives, are resisting its costs at a time when lawmakers are focused on deficit reduction. Even though the legislation is a priority for Boehner, Republicans have been forced to rewrite their bill after a rebellion within their ranks over a variety of issues, including its five-year $260 billion price tag'.
From :

This is jobs and infrastructure. If people don't have jobs, they don't spend money (thus creating more jobs) nor pay taxes (creating larger budget deficets).

If we don't maintain our roads, it will cost more in the future to repair.

And DON'T even start on the 'oh it raises our debt' until YOU show me where private industry is going to build roads. And show me how much it will cost us to drive on those 'private' roads.

Our fathers and mothers built this Country and did so via higher taxes KNOWING what they were building would be great!

And WE complain that now it costs us.

Don't want to add to the debt?

Then you want America to fall apart.

OOPS! Mitt's Dad George Romney and Saul Alinsky

'When slum organizer Saul Alinsky, with the West Side Organization's militant Negroes and clerics, wanted to meet with the white Detroit rulers, Romney indirectly arranged the meeting, and attended. Democratic Mayor Jerome Cavanaugh avoided the rough company'.

"I think you ought to listen to Alinsky," Romney told his reluctant white friends. 'It seems to me that we are always talking to the same people. Maybe the time has come to hear new voices." Said an Episcopal bishop,
'He made Alinsky sound like a Republican.'"
From :

Unfortunately this is the real problem. We can't have open discussions anymore.

Why NOT listen to other perspectives?

I make an honest effort to not harp on the Conservatives having been raised as an Eisenhower Republican that turned Democrat and then turned social Liberal and fiscal Conservitive.

But honestly, the Conservitive movement has turned so hard and so far 'right' and turned so hard and far on not compromising that it's becoming less a persepctive then a realistic view.

If we refuse to talk or listen to others simply based on an ideological stand, then we lose so much of the World and so many of it's possiblities.

Vermont vs. Citizens United

The actual people of Vermont won. Not the 'corporations' that are people.

'More than 50 towns had the Citizens United amendment question on their Town Meeting Day ballots and dozens of those towns approved'.

'As of late Tuesday evening, unofficial results shows voters in at least two dozen towns have passed resolutions they hope will change the way corporations can contribute to political campaigns'.

'It passed by almost 80 percent in Burlington, where some voters told News Channel 5 they were pleased with the opportunity to vote on a national issue'.
From :

So-So Tuesday

Nope. No knock out punch.

N. Dakota Caucus
Santorum - 39.7% - 11 delegates
Romney - 23.7% - 7 delegates
Gingrich - 8.5%
This should have been a good shot for Paul. He ended up 11% behind Rick. I'm including Newt as for the next month, the Sounth is very prominant.

Georgia Primary
Gingrich - 47% - 46 delegates
Romney - 25% - 13 delegates
Santorum - 19% - 2 delegates
No surprise and no doubt a good money maker for Newt.

Virginia Primary
Romney - 59% - 43 delegates
This makes Newt's 46 delegaters in Georgia a wash. Shoulda had a disciplined enough campaign to be on the ballot Newt and although not as damaging Rick too.

Vermont Primary
Romney - 39% - 9 delegates
Santorum 23% - 4 delegates
Gingrich - 8% - 0 delegates

Ohio Primary
Romney - 38% - 35 delegates
Santorum - 37% - 21 delegates
Rick had lost even the posibility of 18 delegates via signature collection so combine that with a 1% Mitt 'win' and this was the punch that didn't land for Mitt. Add to that, women really moved to Romney. You have to ask did they vote FOR Romeny, or AGAINST Santorum?

Tennessee Primary
Santorum - 37% - 25 delegates
Romney - 28% - 10 delegates
Gingrich - 24% - 8 delegates
This is the start of Mitt's Southern 'problem'.

Oklahoma Primary
Santorum - 33% - 14 delegates
Romney - 28% - 13 delegates
Gingrich - 27% - 13 delegates
More of Mitt's 'Southern' problem. Thatbeing that someone else is still running. Newt is taking away from Rick in the South but with Georgia, Tennessee and Oklahoma, Newt is still competing re:the Convention.

Massachusetts Primary
Romney - 72% - 38 delegates
No surprise as this is actually Mitt's 'home' State, not Michigan.

Alaska Caucus
Romney - 32% - 8 delegates
Santorum - 29% - 7 delegates
Gingrich (despite Palin) 14% - 3 delegates

Idaho Caucus
Romney - 61% - 32 delegates
Santorum - 18% - 0 delegates
Gingrich - 2% - 0 delegates

Mitt 208 delegates
Rick 84 delegates
Newt 70 delegates
From :

Of course the actual delegate count is more let's say 'special' then this but at just 1/2 the delegates up for grabs, not a knock out punch.

Now I need to throw in, no one else really has a chance at getting the nomination but Romney. He basicly has it wrapped up.

What's happening now is the slow and very ugly hacking apart of what was once, to me, a very Grand Old Party in the mold of Eisenhower.

The seperation, ideological, between Rick, Newt and Mitt is huge.

And add to that the 'excitement' factor and Romeny and the other Republican candidates are shaping a Romney winning the battle (nomination) and really losing the war (election) badly.

Policy should not have been replaced with ideology.

And the running total :
Romney - 386 delegates
Santorum - 159 delegates
Gingrich - 120 delegates
Paul - 73 delegates
Needed to win - 1144
From :

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ohio + Tennessee = I guess it's Romney

Newt will have one big win tonight - Georgia and one even bigger loss - Virginia where he failed to even qualify to get on the ballot.
HAD he been on the ballot, it would add weight to the 'any body but Mitt'.

Ron Paul may actually win and even TWO States tonight. Alaska and N. Dakota.

Santorum will win Oklahoma. Tennessee is now a toss up. If and that isn't looking too promising but still IF Santorum wins Tennesse AND the popular vote (he won't win the delegates) then it keeps this race going. It would clearly show Romney simply can't deliver the knock out punch.

Romney. Big wins in Vermont, Virginia, Massachusetts and a win in Idaho. Possible Tennessee, possible Ohio (defenately will get the Ohio delegates).

Ron Paul 2 States - Alaska, N. Dakota
Newt 1 State - Georgia
Rick 3 States - Tenneesse, Oklahoma, Ohio (popular vote only)
Romney 4 States - Massachusetts, Vermont, Virginia, Idaho (and the Ohio delegates.)

But then comes the rest of the month for Mitt -
3/10 - Kansas, US Virgin Isl, Guam
3/13 - Alabama, Hawaii, Mississippi
3/17 - Missouri
3/18 - Puerto Rico
3/20 - Illinois
3/24 - Louisiana

A lot of Southern and Mid Western States that so far haven't been kind to Mitt.
From :

Some interesting notes :
-In Tennessee only 33% of GOP primary voters think Barack Obama was born in the United States, while 45% do not.
-In Georgia 40% of Republican primary voters think Obama was born in the United States, while 38% do not.
-In Ohio 42% of Republican primary voters think Obama was born in the United States, while 37% do not.
From :
Hence the double face palm. (GRINS!)

Female Veterans and Limbaugh

'Female Veterans Call For Military Radio Channel To Drop Rush Limbaugh After 'Slut' Remark'

'A group of female military veterans issued a statement on Monday calling for Limbaugh's show to be pulled from the airwaves of the American Forces Network. AFN is a government-run media service that provides television and radio programming to American service members overseas'.

"When many of our female troops use birth control, for Limbaugh to say they are 'sluts' and 'prostitutes' is beyond the pale," the women wrote. "It isn't just disrespectful to our women serving our country, but it's language that goes against everything that makes our military work."
From :

Democracy and 'Citizens United'

Actually more interesting then the outcome of the Republican Presidential primaries.

'MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — A senator with socialist leanings was among the first. Then there was Jerry of
Ben & Jerry's ice cream fame. Stephen Colbert has tweeted in favor. And now people in at least 52 Vermont communities will use the bully pulpit of that New England institution, Town Meeting Day, to push for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution declaring that corporations are not people'.

'The goal is to get rid of the 2010 U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, which allowed corporations, unions and wealthy people to raise and spend unlimited campaign funds via political action committees known as "super PACs" as long as they don't work directly with a candidate'.

'There are a handful of personhood proposals being considered in Congress. In December, independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced a proposed amendment to declare that for-profit corporations and limited liability companies would not have the constitutional rights of "natural persons."

'Although the Town Meeting Day proposals can be amended during the meetings, the basic proposal is simpler than Sanders'. It would urge Vermont's three-member congressional delegation to begin the process to amend the Constitution and declare that corporations are not persons and money is not speech'.
From :

If You’ve Had Pre-Marital Sex, You Can’t Be A Republican

'Before you can join the Laurens County Republican Party in South Carolina and get on the primary ballot, they ask that you pledge that you’ve never ever had pre-marital sex — and that you will never ever look at porn again'.

'Last Tuesday, the LCGOP unanimously adopted a resolution that would ask all candidates who want to get on the primary ballot to sign a pledge with 28 principles, because the party “does not want to associate with candidates who do not act and speak in a manner that is consistent with the SC Republican Party Platform.”

And some of those 'manners'? -

You must favor, and live up to, abstinence before marriage.

You must be faithful to your spouse. Your spouse cannot be a person of the same gender, and you are not allowed to favor any government action that would allow for civil unions of people of the same sex.

You cannot now, from the moment you sign this pledge, look at pornography.
From :

First Lady Barbara Bush vs. possible First Lady Ann Romney

First Lady Barbara Bush -

 “I think the rest of the world is looking at us these days and saying, ‘What are you doing?’” she said'.
From :

Ann Romney -

"We can be poor in spirit, and I don't even consider myself wealthy, which is an interesting thing. It can be here today and gone tomorrow."

'The Romneys made $20.9 million last year and are estimated to be worth $250 million'.
From :

Another 'Fight' for the 'Right'

I've only sorta been following this. I like some and I repeat just some of the op-eds that come from some of the writers from The Cato Institute.

I DON'T like it when they or anyone begins to misinform or disinform. ANd to me that is the bulk of what comes out of Cato.

But I spotted this : 'There’s every indication that they (and their proxies on the board) think Cato would be more useful if it were integrated more tightly into the Koch portfolio of advocacy groups—Americans for Prosperity, etc.—for which it could serve as a source of intellectual ammunition in the ongoing struggle to defeat Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. Indeed, they’ve said as much, more or less verbatim, to the chair of Cato’s board. I don’t think it’s the end of democracy if people want to throw money at that cause, but I doubt Cato’s the right place to do it, and I know it’s not what I signed up for'.
From :

That's from Julian Sanchez. You have to admire someone sticking to principle over politics.

And it's a very good example of why we as a Nation are slowly failing. We can't actually discuss compromising policies because of our uncompromising  politics.

Limping with the Limbaugh advertisers

Think Progress has a run down on who is still advertising on Limbaugh.

Lear Capital(Gold Coin Pro) and LifeLock.

Clear Channel will not drop Limbaugh nor do the devoted listeners really care if sponsors come or go. They will keep listening.

This may well turn into a somewhat strange 'boycott' of 'If you sponsor, we will boycott'. (Sorry. It's baseball season so what can I say.)

I do have some mixed feelings about this : Pittsfield Mass. Radio Station Drops Rush Limbaugh After Contraception Controversy
From :

I am a very firm advocate and believer in the freedom of speech. Even when I don't like the speech.
Limbaugh needs to be heard and has a very large audience. He also needs to be challenged and on the same level.

We NEED this debate in America. It can't be degraded into 'right' of 'left' but NEEDS to be debated for the moral and ethical standards we as individuals and we as a Nation need to stand for and advocate.

And if common decenecy isn't a standard of ethics or morals, then we are all in trouble.

Breaking News

Former Governor Mitt Romney has announced that his campaign will be hiring someone to 'feel our pain' since he doesn't.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Walking Dead

Great music to go with what I've come to think of as a great show. Strangly, to me The Walking Dead ISN'T about zombies.

On 'Blogging'


How to live life.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on how to live life.

And maybe the why also.

I found this over at What Would Jack do and followed it over to Stupid Evil Bastards :

"They want to bomb Iran, but they're afraid of Rush Limbaugh."

George Will :

"Mr. Boehner comes out and says, Rush's language was inappropriate. Using a salad fork for your entree, that's inappropriate. Not this stuff... And it was depressing, because what it indicates is that the Republican leaders are afraid of Rush Limbaugh. They want to bomb Iran, but they're afraid of Rush Limbaugh."
From :

And still losing more advertisers :

What Republicans need to start asking themselves is OK Rush lost a few advertisers. So he'll get others. But what about rank and file Conservatives that frankly find this offensive.

What about moderate Conservatives that find it offensive.

What about Independents that find it offensive.

What about most women who find it offensive.

What about most men who find it offensive.

This is an election year.

Can or will you as politicians speak for yourselves?

Or will you let Rush speak for you?

Everything old is new again - or at least hasn't changed much

Bluegal aka Fran over at Crooks and Liars has this old (1997) video of the (IMHO) great Tom Snyder and Al Franken. The Limbaugh part starts at 4:15.

Now I'll have to go find Franken's book and read it. 

Congress does actually work

Well some of them do. Most just seem to be running for re-election all the time.

I am a HUGE believer in the Constitution AND a stable balance (see President Eisenhower's Farewell Speech re : Balance) of social and economic interaction.

We have an active 'Liberal' political structure. THe 'Conservative' - not so much.
But as disappointed as I have become over the last several year in the Conservative movement's direction, some are still active and even making a mark.

'A small, bipartisan group of lawmakers in both the House and Senate are secretly drafting deficit grand bargain legislation that cuts entitlements and raises new revenue'.
From :

This is just the first step in a long and fragile process and may not amount to anything and especially in an election year.

But what it is about is what America and most Americans are.

We are NOT about no compromise. We are NOT about political parties over people. we are not about demonizing those we don't agree with.

We are about solving our problems and moving forward, not backwards. 


It is a 'truism' that in hard times, people turn Conservative. It is becoming a 'truism' that people are smart enough (or are getting tired of the rhetoric) to want actual policies over blaming.

Ummmm. We've figured out, well most of us, that blaming, true or false, doesn't put food on the table, pay the mortage or provide ANY actual living benefits.

But to go back for the 1000th time to Saul Alinsky?

'Charles Johnson'
'Wingnuts • Sun Mar 4, 2012 at 8:44 pm PST'

'Before his death, Andrew Breitbart had been promising a true BOMBSHELL revelation about Barack Obama, a STUNNER that would finally put an end to Obama’s reign of terror. Some whispered darkly that this may have been the reason for Breitbart’s sudden mysterious collapse'.

'Tonight, Breitbart’s fearless heirs have unleashed the BREITBARTOCALYPSE! And Barack Hussein Obama can only cower in terror'.

'The earth-shattering scoop that will blow this baby wide open can now be revealed: 14 years ago Obama attended a play in Chicago'.

'Yes! A play'!

'The subject of this nefarious play: the dreaded Saul Alinsky'.

'It’s over, Barack. You should just resign right now like Sarah Palin; you’ll never recover from this blow. It was fun while it lasted'.
From :

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Republican Primaries - 'We Gotta Get Out Of This Place'

Just seemd like a good fit------------

A Conservative 'playbook'?

From 'We the people' to 'lower their expectations'.

In a very real sense, this is the 'culture war' we are in right now. The role of Government IN a 'free enterprise' economic system.

Does Government 'manage' the people while limiting the regulation or 'management' of business?

Or does Government 'regualte' business so that the playing field, the access to the same opportunity extend to all while broadening the tax base so that the 'people' also have a level playing field, equal opportunity?

Is the standard, quality of 'we the peoples' lifes of equal, greater or lesser 'value' then business?

Gordon Lafer :

'Why was 2011 the year that brought such a ferocious assault on labour standards? At the most macro-level, the legislative battles of the past year must be viewed in the context of the long-term economic decline experienced by working- and middle-class Americans'.
'If the country continues in the broad policy directions of neoliberal trade, privatization, de-unionization and deregulation, there is no possibility but that living standards for most Americans will continue to decline, as the country is slowly but inexorably competed down to the level of less wealthy trading partners. This broad reality provides the fundamental background framing contemporary politics. For the economic elite, the primary political challenge is how to manage the politics of decline – that is, how to advance an ever-more-radical neoliberal agenda without provoking a popular backlash'.
'In part, conservative business elites have encouraged a revolution of falling expectations. When people come to feel lucky just to have a job with health insurance (and then just a job even without health insurance, so long as they can pay the rent); when 25 or 35 kids in a class comes to seem fortunate because others are in classes of 50; when retaining fully funded Social Security and Medicare even without a pension from one’s job seems lucky – all these shifts serve to lower people’s expectations of the economy and their demands of employers'.
'The great unknown in this drama is how the vast majority of anxious, insecure, non-union American workers will make sense of these issues. To this end, it is critical to understand clearly the past year’s legislative battles for what they were: the leading edge of an ambitious agenda that extends far beyond anti-unionism and that, if successful, will transform the nation to the detriment of almost everyone'.
From :

Spokane County no longer 'Paul Country'?

As a 'Liberal' in the land of Conservatives, I very often just like being on the outside looking in.

Spokane is and always has been a very Conservative town and County. Over the last several years, this has been 'Ron Paul Country'.

But now this :

Gingrich - 411 - 8%
Paul - 1,340 -26%
Romney - 1,521 -30%
Santorum - 1,511 - 30%

The total for the State :
Gingrich -  5,221 - 10%
Paul - 12,594 - 25%
ROmney - 19,111 - 38%
Santorum - 12,089 -24%
From :

Washington State, this caucus, is just a 'beauty contest' with no delegates awarded.

Will that matter and especially in Ohio on Tuesday?

Personhood! - 'forbidding every man from destroying his semen'.

'The council for Delaware's largest city passed a resolution by an 8-4 vote Thursday calling on the Delaware legislature, other state legislatures and the U.S. Congress to pass laws granting "personhood" rights to eggs and sperm'.

"[E]ach 'egg person' and each 'sperm person' should be deemed equal in the eyes of the government and be subject to the same laws and regulations as any other dependent minor and be protected against abuse, neglect or abandonment by the parent or guardian," says the resolution. "[L]aws should be enacted by all legislative bodies in the United States to promote equal representation, and should potentially include laws in defense of 'personhood,' forbidding every man from destroying his semen."
From :

This was actually a 'protest' vote over the current battle over women's health care access and the absurdity that we are even discussing it.

'Right to Vote' in Kennewick, Wa. Republican Caucus

"I think it's illegal," Swenson shouted to a gathered crowd, many of whom were filming him with cell phone cameras'.

"I think it's unconstitutional," he said. "Our right to vote is the most fundamental right in the Constitution'.
From :

While you cannot be denied the 'right to vote', the Constitution never explicitly ENSURES the 'right to vote'.
See :

'This may be a conservative reading of the Constitution, but it is black-letter law. True, the Constitution contains specific, hard-won language in the 15th and 19th Amendments that forbids discrimination in voting on the basis of race or sex. But these prohibitions don't establish a universal right to vote. Thus, Congress cannot selectively disenfranchise women in the District of Columbia but can, and does, render all of its residents voiceless in Congress by denying them representation in the House and Senate. The Florida legislature may not (theoretically, anyway) dismiss only the votes of African Americans; but as the Supreme Court kindly reminded us in Bush v. Gore, it can dismiss everyone's votes'.

Is it nit-picking? Yeah. (GRINS!) But consider this. The Founding Fathers as they wrote the Constitution were white, of property and over 21 years of age.

Women did not vote.
Slaves did not vote.
American Indians did not vote.

In fact if you were not white, over 21 and owned property, you did not vote.

Don't abuse the Constitution. Understand it's purpose at the time and it's use as the foundation for a civil society and functioning government today.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

'Social' Justice for Limbaugh - Boycott Hate

And great to see people actually caring enough to get involved.

Five companies have already pulled their sponsorship from Limbaugh's show:

“Due to continued inflammatory comments– along w/valuable feedback from clients & team members– QL has suspended ads on Rush Limbaugh program
Kelly@ Quicken Loans

"Recent comments by Rush Limbaugh do not align w/our values, so we made decision to immediately suspend all advertising on that program".

“Thanks to all of you for your concern and input. We are currently pulling all ads with Rush Limbaugh"
“@moughthere As of today, LegalZoom has suspended all advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show"

"We have listened to our customers & have decided to cease our advertising on The Rush Limbaugh Show immediately".
From :

Sign the petition :

Washington State - Thank You Representative Dicks

'Rep. Norm Dicks, the ranking member on the Appropriations Committee, announced today he is retiring at the end of the year'.

“After 18 terms representing the people of the 6th Congressional District of Washington, preceded by eight years on the Staff of Senator Warren G. Magnuson, Suzie and I have made the decision to change gears and enjoy life at a different pace,” the Democrat said in a statement'.
From :

Should be an easy 'hold' for the Democrats :

'The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee quickly described the 6th district as a likely hold for the party, while national Republicans in the immediate aftermath were assessing how competitive the district is with Dicks no longer running'.
From :

And for the other retiring members of Congress this session :

Over reacting on Rush?

Or too long in coming?

16 videos that show Rush's 'true character'.

Another 'your vote doesn't really matter but we know it makes you feel good so Get Out And Vote!'

'ABC News’ Michael Falcone reports':

'UPDATED: COLUMBUS, Ohio — Even if Rick Santorum wins Ohio on Super Tuesday, he won’t be able to claim all of its delegates. In fact, he is at risk of forfeiting more than one-quarter of them'.

'In three of the state’s 16 congressional districts, including two that are near Ohio’s border with Pennsylvania, Santorum will lose any delegates he might have won because his campaign failed to meet the state’s eligibility requirements months ago'.

'But it gets worse: Nine more Ohio delegates may also be in jeopardy'.

'Sources say that in six other congressional districts — the third, fourth, eighth, tenth, twelfth and sixteenth — Santorum submitted fewer names than required to be eligible for all three delegates up-for-grabs in each district'.

'Chris Maloney, a spokesman for the Ohio Republican Party, said the leftover delegates will be considered “unbound” and the campaigns will be able to file a petition with the state party to claim them. Once such a petition is filed, Ohio GOP Chairman Kevin DeWine is required to impanel a “committee on contests” composed of three members of the Ohio GOP’s central committee to sort out the delegate awards'.
From :

Oh look Ohio. 1 person will appoint a 'central committee' to 'decide' who gets the delegates.

I LOVE Democracy! Don't you?

The 'Voice' of Conservatives?

¦Rick Santorum: called Limbaugh “absurd” because he’s an “entertainer”

¦Brave Mitt Romney: walked right by a reporter who asked for comment — Mitt was probably busy formulating his simultaneous approval / condemnation of Limbaugh’s remarks. Later said “it’s not language I would have used.“

¦Brave John Boehner: called Limbaugh’s remarks “inappropriate”

And then..............

¦Sen. Scott Brown: called Limbaugh’s remarks ‘reprehensible’ and demanded Rushbo apologize to Ms. Fluke.
From :

1 out of 4 Republicans 'gets it'.

This ISN'T a political issue. This is a HUMAN DECENCY issue.

Romney - "I like to fire people'

But not Rush?

'Clear Channel Communications is owned by Bain Capital'.
From :

Caturday at the Kane's

'Why Do Cats Run the Internet? A Scientific Explanation'

'The most compelling explanation for our interest in cats, however, may be the most simple: we’re in awe of them'.
From :

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Weekly 2012 - Super Tuesday

Washington State has a Caucus on Saturday and Romney is in a comfortable lead.

Georgia - 76 delegates - Proportional
Gingrich is leading.

Massachusetts - 41 delegates - Proportional
Romney and big.

Ohio - 66 delegates- Winer Take All
Santorum up slightly in Ohio. He's trying to get away from the "God is good, God is great, all the rest are second rate' message. If he can, big win here.

Oklahoma - 43 delegates - Winner Take All
Another big lead for Santorum.

Tennessee - 58 delegates - With majority, Winner Take All
Santorum up and up big.

Vermont - 17 delegates - With majority, Winner Takes All
Romney but not big.

Virginia - 49 delegates - With Majority, Winner Takes All
Romney holds big lead. Bet Santorum wishes he'd gotten on the ballot now. (Newt's failure not to do so wouldn't have made much of a difference.)

Alaska - 27 delegates - Caucus

Idaho - 32 delegates - Caucus
Likely Paul but a large Mormon population too.

N.Dakota - 28 - Caucus
Paul and Santorum?

Washington - Romney
Georgia - Gingrich
Massachusetts - Romney
Ohio - Split
Oklahoma - Santorum
Tennessee - Santorum
Vermont - Romney
Virginia - Romney
Alaska - Paul
Idaho - Romney
N. Dakota - Paul

We are looking at a possible at, around or even less the 200 delegates for Romney on (cough) Super Tuesday.

Only 'winning' Michigan by 3 points and Santorum NOT getting on Virginia's ballot are two big loses for both campaigns.
But worse, Super Tuesday will allow Santorum to get back ON message (and off of the piety stuff) and doesn't give Romney the knock out punch with all of the splits and delegate sharing. If Santorum wins in Ohio, it just adds to the same doubt as the 3 point Romeny 'win' in Michigan.

The 'Voice' of Modern Day Conservatives?

LIMBAUGH: 'So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here’s the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch'.

''“I used to be a conservative.'
Jeb Bush

Would have been nice to have for the Republican Debates

'The drone of speakers who won't stop is an inevitable experience at conferences, meetings, cinemas, and public libraries'. AND REPUBLICAN DEBATES!!!!!!

'Today, Kazutaka Kurihara at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Tskuba and Koji Tsukada at Ochanomizu University, both in Japan, present a radical solution: a speech-jamming device that forces recalcitrant speakers into submission'.

'The idea is simple. Psychologists have known for some years that it is almost impossible to speak when your words are replayed to you with a delay of a fraction of a second'.

'Kurihara and Tsukada have simply built a handheld device consisting of a microphone and a  speaker that does just that: it records a person's voice and replays it to them with a delay of about 0.2 seconds. The microphone and speaker are directional so the device can be aimed at a speaker from a distance, like a gun'.
From :

A spa for the soul

Found this over at The Whshington Monthly


Mum :

The Monthly :