Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Newt Gingrich and 'child labor laws are stupid'

First of all, here is the link to the video of Newt :

At 40 sceonds, he outlines a specific plan to 'get rid of the unionized janitors, have one master janitor and pay local students to take care of the schools.'

So either English is a second language or you'd have to be taking a very slow ride down that river in Egypt to NOT understand that this was a plan that Newt was proposing.

Setting aside the 'child labor laws are stupid' comment - yes lets become a Third World Nation and leave the most vunerable defenceless or better yet, allow 'parents' to rent out their children for profit and companies to exploit them. Oh THAT will re-establish the United States as a World Leader!

Yes I understand Newt is thinking of instilling a work ethic in children but anyone thinking that since they, the children, would be on the bottom of the labor pool ladder - employers and parents WOULDN'T abuse and exploit them- is a fool.

But again setting aside THAT for a moment, Newt very clearly proposes firing a 'union' janitor who more then likely is putting food on the table and a roof over his/her family and replacing them with less expensive in pay and benefits child labor.

So on the one hand you develop a program to instill the values of the work ethic in 'poor' children and on the other you put a person out of work, put them on unemployment, welfare, maybe have their house foreclosed.

Newt Gingrich - creating several new problems to solve one. Leading America back to the 'good old days'.



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