Saturday, November 5, 2011


Well it's not the first time I've been said to lose all 'credibility.

This isn't just the 'liberals' saying this. This is now main stream politics. And nothing, NOTHING speaks louder to it then the actions of the Republicans in general. Cutting funding for social programs when they are most desperately needed, keeping millions from even a hope of work all so that they can remove President Obama.

Our Nation IS IN CRISIS. As I've said before, they MAY blame Obama for trying and failing - but they WILL blame Republicans for not even trying.

The 'wave' in politics this coming election may well be to replace the 'Party of No' with people who will 'Do Something - Even If's It's Wrong'. 
See :

'This led to a striking email, sent to the Obama for America list this afternoon, from Jim Messina, the campaign manager for Obama/Biden 2012. The message reads, in part:

'“Their strategy is to suffocate the economy for the sake of what they think will be a political victory. They think that the more folks see Washington taking no action to create jobs, the better their chances in the next election. So they’re doing everything in their power to make sure nothing gets done.”

'Michael Cohen, a senior fellow at American Security Project, apparently following up on a discussion I launched last November, recently said, “We’re far past the point where there is reason to doubt that the GOP is purposely trying to harm” the economy'.

'Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), vice chairman of the Senate Democratic Conference, believes “some” Republicans “want the economy to actually fail” on purpose. Paul Krugman recently said in his column, “[I]t’s hard to avoid the suspicion that G.O.P. leaders actually want the economy to perform badly.” Eugene Robinson, a Pulitzer Prize winner, was recently asked whether it’s possible Republicans would sabotage the economy. “Well, let me be honest,” he said. “It has occurred to me that this is a possibility.”
From :

Conservative writer David Frum :

Conservative Blogger Andrew Sullivan :

'October 11, 2011'
'Senate Blocks American Jobs Act With Filibuster'
From :

'Wed Nov 02, 2011'
'Today in Congress: introducing (the filibuster of) Part II of the American Jobs Act'
' But lest we forget, the House did pass H. Con. Res. 13, reaffirming "In God We Trust" as the national motto'!
From :

'Putting Millionaires Before Jobs Published: November 3, 2011'
From :

Grover Norquist : “We will make it so that a Democrat cannot govern as a Democrat.”
From :

Grover Norquist :

You know, just some 'random person' according to Speaker Boehner :,0,1311980.story

Throughout my life, political parties have always tried to best their opposition. But in the end, Country came first.

But three years ago, a 'movement' took over the Republican Party. A minority, who in a minute know they can get on FOX because it boosts FOX's ratings, have turned a once proud political Party into a group lead by what once was the fringe of the Party.

Having ousted the 'Eisenhower' and 'Reagan' Republicans as 'not Conservative enough', they now are set on a course of stagnation, holding America down, thinking this is how they will 'take their ountry back'.

We are past the tipping point. The damage to our Country, Americans, is incredible.

The future of education in shambles. Our roads, bridges, waterways deteroiting. Our health care for profit system, favoring ability to pay above need of care. Our Standard of living, our quality of life, the middle class
Americans, slowly dying as the 'need of the few outweigh the wants of many'.

We are in crisis. THIS shouldn't be about politics. It SHOULD be about putting AMERICA back to work.

It should be about Country.

It CAN'T be about waiting 14 months to 'see' if we change Presidents. Because in 14 months, there won't be much of America left.

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