Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Still don't believe in Republican Obstructionism?

You're in the minority.

First there was the Suffolk poll but that was only for Florida : 'Poll: Even Wingers Think That Wingers are Tanking the Economy'
From : http://motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2011/11/poll-even-wingers-think-wingers-are-tanking-economy

And now a National poll :

'The Post poll asks people to choose between two options. This':

'Option #1 - “President Obama is making a good faith effort to deal with the country’s economic problems, but the Republicans in Congress are playing politics by blocking his proposals and programs.” Or this':

'Option #2 -“President Obama has not provided leadership on the economy, and he is just blaming the Republicans in Congress as an excuse for not doing his job'.”

'The toplines: Americans agree with the first statement over the second one, 50-44'.

'* Independents favor statement one over statement two by 54-40'.

'* Moderates favor statement one over statement two by 57-37'.

'The overall number is lower, at 50 percent, because a hilarously meager nine percent of Republicans believe this to be the case'.
From : http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/post/independents-and-moderates-agree-gop-deliberately-sabotaging-obamas-jobs-policies/2011/11/07/gIQAPMfSvM_blog.html

A Nation is made up of people. Not balance sheets.

We have 30 million people un or underemployed. Millions of foreclosed homes. States and cities cutting back on services as more and more people need them. Health care based on ability to pay not need of care. Education system failing and falling behind. Roads, beidges and waterways crumbling.

And a political party more focused on 'balancing the budget'.

A Nation is made up of people. Not balance sheets.

But maybe it will give the Republican politicans a warm feeling when they finally 'balance the books' and then look up to see 15%, 18%, 22% of Americams living in poverty.

Put America Back To Work. Once America Is Working, Then Balance The Books.

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