The house has already passed it's version : 'October 13, 2011'
'The House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed a veterans jobs bill'.
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Now it just becomes a matter that the Senate Republicans have filibustered the Amerrican Jobs Act as a whole :
'Senate Republicans Successfully Filibuster American Jobs'
'Posted on 10/13/2011'
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And then filibustered the hiring of teachers, fire and police :
'Obama’s Jobs Plan Is Blocked Again by Senate Republicans'
'Published: October 20, 2011'
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And then filibustered the building and maintainence of our Country'sinfrastructure :
'Senate Republicans kill the Democrats’ infrastructure jobs bill….
'3 November 2011'
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They won't dare to filibuster the Veterans legislation.
'After two pieces of their jobs bill failed in the Senate because Republicans unanimously opposed offsetting their cost with a tax on millionaires, Senate Democrats have picked another piece of the jobs bill without including such a tax'.
'Next week, Senate Democrats said, they will vote on the “Vow to Hire Heroes Act of 2011,” which would provide incentives to employers for making the hiring of veterans a priority'.
'”There are 14 million veterans who are out there trying to find work every day and it’s time that we can do something for them,” Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., said today. “Veterans are not a partisan issue. They are something we can all get behind.”
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'A positive first step is The Veteran Opportunity to Work (VOW) Act, recently introduced to the House by Republican VA Committee Chairman Jeff Miller of Florida. The VOW Act would open doors for new veterans by creating the job training needed to stay competitive in this economy. It would mandate Transition Assistance Programs (TAP) for all separating service members, help military personnel acquire civilian certificates, and strengthen USERRA laws to protect Reservists and National Guardsmen who leave civilian jobs behind when they deploy. It is an important piece of legislation, and similar to the Hiring Heroes Act of 2011, which is currently making its way to the Senate floor under the guidance of Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Patty Murray of Washington'.
From :,15202,233704,00.html?ESRC=opinions.RSS
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