Friday, November 11, 2011

This is teabaggerism

Only a fool wants to 'kill the messenger' without really looking at the message :

And this is only a small sampling.

Each and everyone of these has been and one still is and I think WILL remain on or near the top (Cain) of the Republican Presidential field over the last 6 months. I left off Perry because I and most of the Nation is still laughing our collective asses off at his response of which 3 Departments he'd cut.

When you put out and SUPPORT with a constant 30% of the Republican voters, such ignorant people and expect America to actually listen seriously? Really?

A minority within the Republican Party is attempting to force the Party to go further and further 'right'.

Eric Erickson of Red State and Rush Limbaugh have both declared that Romney 'is not Conservative' and are actively supporting Cain. 

I think Cain will stay at or near the top because of things like Rush coming out and degrading the Cain's accusers. That and by the process of elimanation - he is the 'last man standing'. Gingrich by default will raise up but only because Perry is going down. Once the spotlight is on Gingrich, he will show why he is the past and not the future of the Republican party because of HIS past.

A good example of the 'bad Newt' :

And the teabaggers know this is their only chance of getting into the Presidential race.
That's why more and more people believe that Romney won't have enough delegates to wrap it up, it will become a brokered Convention and led by Karl Rove, they will try to get Bush (Jeb), Christie, Daniels or Pawlenty to run against Obama. (Pawlenty left too soon).

And when that 30% of the Republican base DOESN'T get 'their' man?

The fecal matter hits the oscillating rotary blade device and the Republicans grasp defeat from what should have been the easy jaws of victory.

That is teabaggerism.

America and Americans deserved a serious debate. Instead we got teabagged. And the time lost because we AREN'T having a serious debate is going to only make it so much worse.

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