Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The not so 'free' enterprise in America

This song says it all and so much better then I ever could :!

America is about us - people. Or was suppose to be. The more we give to the 'job creators' the less there is for those of us who do and will need it.

And looking around, doesn't look like a whole lot of 'job creatings' being done so just what ARE they doing or what more could THEY possibliy want?

'Citizens for Tax Justice has analyzed corporate tax rates from 2008 to 2010. The report [PDF] examines over half of the Fortune 500 companies'.

'Perhaps it’s no surprise that the richest industries get the biggest subsidies, starting with finance and Big Energy.  That’s how the 1% operate'.

'Notably, 56 percent of the total tax subsidies went to just four industries: financial, utilities, tele-communications, and oil, gas & pipelines'.
From :

So how much did the Government subsidize YOU today? Why are our taxes used to support these industries? Can't they make it on their own?

But lets keep supporting private companies with our taxes. In fact, lets cut Government spending in health care, education even Social Security so that we can balance the Federal Budget and protect these companies and their Govenment subsisies.

Why 'pay it forward' for all of us so we can have a tomorrow when a few want to grab more for themselves today.

Maybe there's a reason we 'can't make it here.'

(Thanks to for the link to the song and some thoughts.)

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