Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Herm Cain going down for the count?


The far right has run out of anybody else so it's Herm or back to Rick The Dick or Batshit Bachmann.

Just setting aside things like running his campaign 'On the Constitution' and then quoting from the Declaration of Independence.

Not knowing what the 'right of return' was.

Putting forth a 'tax plan' that would reduce tax rates for upper incomes and raise tax rates for lower incomes AND add a Natioanl Sales Tax. But wait! He'd exempt tax for poor people on food. A 'poor peoples tax exempt card'. And no thoughts on how to devise a plan to make that possible!

And setting aside the sexual harrassment charges. Which we shouldn't and if the one complainant does speak out? Watch Herm belittle a woman that was paid a settlement because of him. That'll get him lots of votes.

And then not knowing that China isn't looking for nuclear capibility - China already has it and HAS FOR YEARS.

Just how out of touch with the real World is Herm anyway?

And now? Campaign finance fraud :

'Early in his candidacy, Herman Cain may have accepted tens of thousands of dollars in goods and services for his campaign from a tax-exempt organization founded by his top aide, documents from the organization show, raising the prospect of serious violations of tax and election law by both Mr. Cain’s campaign and the organization'.

'The documents suggest that the nonprofit organization, Prosperity USA, effectively subsidized some early costs of his presidential bid, paying for computer equipment, charter planes and air travel for Mr. Cain or the aide, Mark Block, who is his chief of staff'.

'Such expenditures would violate federal election and campaign laws, which prohibit tax-exempt groups from engaging in any political activity or contributing to election campaigns, a major problem for Mr. Cain'.
From :

And more :

Newt and Rick have maybe a month to take away Herm's 30% of the far right Republican votes. But newt represents the 'old' Republican Party and Perry is just dumb.

Rick has apparently taken to the bottle :

AND still campaigning too!

And Newt?

Much like Romney, the establishment GOP just doesn't want either of them to take on President Obama.
Romney isn't even a Conservative. Just ask Rush.

Leading to a draft movement for the Convention?

Christie? Bush? Daniels? 

Did Tim Pawlenty get out too soon?

America deserved an intelligent, rational response from the Republican Party to President Obama's lack of leadership.

This is what they are offering?

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