Friday, September 30, 2011

And it starts - Chris Christie 'isn't Conservative enough'

Rush Limbaugh :

'Nothing's changed. "But, Rush, but, Rush, Christie's a big conservative." I will reserve my comments for later on in the program. I'll just give you one little hint. I heard a lot of John McCain in that speech. Well, maybe not a lot, but I heard enough to send up a red flag or two'.

'Herman Cain is a conservative that worries them. Rick Perry is a conservative that worries them. Bachmann is a conservative that worries them. Santorum is a conservative that worries them. Reagan was a conservative that worried the Republican establishment. Christie is not'.
From :

I don't know if Christie will get in or not. I hope he does not because I'll vote for him. I don't know yet. I want to know more about him and I want to see if Obama is actually going to keep following up his rhetoric with postivie action. DOING what he says.

I want Christie in the race because I want the level of intelligence from the Republicans to raise above the clowns.

Perry, Palin, Bachmann, Cain, Trump, Gingrich.

I said before it would get ugly. Conservatives are going to have to start asking themselves just how much power do they want people like Limbaugh to have over the 'uninformed'? Are Conservatives ready to 'take' their Party back from the fringe element? Are they ready and willing to fight for the Eisenhower and Reagan Republican Parties?

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