Who in Government would/could possibly be crazy enough to even contemplate the prospect of shutting down the Government when our Nation is so desperate for solutions?
Oh. Tea party US Representative Jeff Flake (R-AZ).
This is the guy who proposed legislation to cut $100 Million dollars in funding for grants to homeless programs and also cut $100 Million dollars in funhding for Women, Infants and Children.
Literally taking shelter away form the most desperate in American society and food away from the most defenceless.
A few keep muttering 'welfare.'
And Representative Flake actually got 115 US Representatives to vote along with him on this :
Of course 316 US Representatives found this legislation so morally reprehensible that THEY voted against it.
Now Representative Flake, a STRONG Tea party man, sent a letter to Speaker Boehner wanting MORE cuts to Government or they, the Tea party could OPPOSE any (CR's) Continuing Resolutions funding Government until AFTER the Super Committee has completed it's attempt to put forth a 'budget'.
'We write to strongly urge you to continue holding the line on federal spending by PREVENTING the discretionary spending limit for Fiscal Year 2012 included in the House-passed budget resolution from being exceeded.'
In March, The United States stumbled as the House Teapublicans forced and President Obama caved into spending cuts of $38 Billion. A month later after almost shutting the Government down to get those spending cuts, the CBO reported that the actual spending 'cuts' would actully cost the US taxpayers a little over $3 Billion.
'It turns out the six-month spending bill Congress passed in April increased discretionary outlays through the remainder of the fiscal year by a bit over $3 billion. In other words, total direct spending will be higher by the end of September than if Congress had just set spending on autopilot for the remainder of the fiscal year back in April'.
"Total discretionary outlays in 2011 will be $3.2 billion higher as a result of the legislation, CBO estimates--an increase of $7.5 billion for defense programs, partially offset by a net reduction of $4.4 billion in other spending," reads a just-released report from the Congressional Budget Office -- Congress' non-partisan scorekeeper'.
From : http://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/590716/cbo_confirms_spending_'cut'_deal_actually_increased_spending/
Then in August, once again the House Teapublicans brought America to it's knees over financing of our obligations via the 'debt ceiling crisis'. Speaker Boehner could have gotten $4 Teillion in spending cuts to go with the $1.2 in tax/loophole increase/cutting but instead caved to the Teapublicans and again President Obama caved and all we had over the 'crsis' was less then a Trillion dollars in spending cuts and a 'Super Committee' to structure cuts/spending by November.
'Because the big impact of the deal may not be the direct drag of a decrease in spending. At times in the debt-deal negotiations, it looked like we might get either an increase in taxes for the wealthiest Americans, an increase in unemployment benefits or both. In the end, we didn't get any of those things. Nor did we get a reduction in entitlement programs that benefit everyone. Instead, what was cut was largely discretionary funds, a large portion of which go to programs that help the poor'.
From : http://curiouscapitalist.blogs.time.com/2011/08/04/why-wall-street-hates-the-debt-deal/
But the good news is Speaker Boehner did get 98% of what he wanted : http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/174925-boehner-i-got-98-percent-of-what-i-wanted-in-debt-deal
And now? A threat of another 'crisis' over 'cuts'?
IF and it's still in the 'if' stage, this does happen, the Teapublicans DO force us into yet another spending crisis, just how much more do they want America and Americans to go through financial ringers?
You know what? I WANT them to do it.
I WANT the Teapublicans to crash the finacial markets. I WANT another 3-4 thousand point loss in the Dow. I want to lose thousands more in my IRA's. I WANT unemployment to jump another 2, 3 or 4 points because the 'job creators' who haven't for three years and aren't now 'creating' jobs, put it off even longer because of the financial turmoil.
I want the State's budgets to get even tighter. More State employees laid off. More teachers laid off. More Police and Firefighters laid off.
I want the unemployed to get cut off from benefits and those on food stamps and other safety net programs to get cut off too.
Tea Bagger Clint Diddier had it right : '"We've got to get rid of this 'protecting the weak.' If we keep the weak alive all the time it eats up the strong, and then our economy will never come back," he said after a tea-party forum earlier this month in Bellingham.
From : http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2012416668_didier22m.html
And then I want the Tea Baggers to 'blame' it all on President Obama.
Except even BEFORE this might happen, America has already figured it out that while Obama is a weak leader, he does not control the US purse strings :
Where are the sane, intelligent, rational, moderate Republicans? Do YOU want the fringe of a great political Party, rich in huge accomplishments to take America to the brink again and again anda again?
Governor Rick Perry is the leading Republican candidate.
I guess you do.
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