His new theme song : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE_NEO2UfBQ&feature=related
B.B. King and Pavarotti? It kinda works...............OK Maybe not.
I still think it will be Rick and Mitt. Mitt still has the Romneycare thing to answer and of course to get the nomination, he has to try to convince the Southern Christian Conservatives that Mormonisn ISN'T a 'cult'. The tea bag part of the Republican party, roughly depending on the issue - 25% to 40% - HAS to have a candidate. If Mitt gets the nod I'm wondering WHAT the tea's will do..............Because Mitt ISN'T a tea bag!
That might be more interesting then the Presidential Campaign.
Bachmann, who IS a tea bag, is just so, so stupid.
Sarah (The Quitter) who is, by some, the orginal tea bag?
Oh she REALLY, REALLY, REALLY would like a populas upraising and have America carry her on their shoulders to the White House so that a 'REAL' American could be President. Does she HAVE to campaign? But aside from being just slightly less stupid then Bachmann, Sarah (The Quitter) has commitment issues and people are way past tired of waiting for HER to decide.
But she wants your money as she is 'on the verge of making her decision of whether or not to run for office.”
See : http://zandarvts.blogspot.com/2011/09/last-call_22.html
So Perry's negatives keep going up as his popularity goes down.
'Mr. Perry’s numbers have been in net-negative territory in four polls released since the first debate, however'.
'Mr. Perry’s numbers have also worsened slightly in head-to-head match-ups against President Obama'.
From : http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/09/21/views-of-perry-turn-more-negative-since-first-debate/
And after last night - 'In contrast, Perry looked tired and was barely able to finish a two hour debate. He stumbled badly over his attack lines on Romney -- almost as if he never practiced them'. (From : http://politicalwire.com/archives/2011/09/22/reaction_to_the_gop_debate.html) Yeah. The thrill IS gone.
Somebody call N.J. Governor Chris Christie. Please! Hell I'd even consider Senator Marco Rubio. Are you SURE Jeb won't run? Can we get Governor Mitch Daniels over the cockhold thing?. Donald trump? Is Dino Rossi busy?
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