One of my battle cries for years here and elsewhere.
And in a 'perfect' World.............
But in the REAL World, this will never happen. It instead is an excerise at 'tilting at windmills'.
The people we elect have in effect set themselves aside or slightly above us. And with our approval via apathy.
The majority are not 'wealthy' but do enjoy a very good life with lots and lots of 'perks'.
Political influence peddling is NOT always about the money. Getting family and friends into good, better schools, invites to exclusive events to hob nob with the wealthy and powerful, getting staff and themselves very high paying jobs after their political life. Insider knowledge on business. And much more.
Influence peddling is not limited to the money. It's just the most obvious and tangible.
Here are a couple more attempts to 'get the money out'......
That while interesting, will have little to no effect.
The very people that will have to vote on these amendments, are well off if not with money, with political 'friends with benefits'. But even more important and influencial - our Representatives, Sentators, Presidents, politicans in general DEPEND on, NEED the money to get elected. How is their voting to take the money away, going to benefit them?
So common sense tells you that they are NOT going to put much effort into eliminating funding of their live styles and campaigns. We will hear a lot of 'I'm fighting hard for you' in public and then in private using both hands to rake in the money and favors.
Rather then have movements to 'take the money' out of politics, likely to be held Unconstitutional, consider the more likely alternative of eliminating 'private' financing in favor of funding 'public' financing. This would take the 'money out of politics'.
But even that would have little chance of passing. Again the very people that have to approve it by passing the legislation, are the ones that benefit the most.
The BEST and only OPTION for open, honest, accountable, responsible Government is TRANSPARENCY.
If 'keeping informed' to you is listening to FOX, CNN or any 'news media' and just accepting what they say as 'truth', then you are the problem. And also you have lots and lots of company as most Americas are simply too lazy to take, say an hour a week to actually find out the truth.
And THAT, even more then the money in politics, is the reason America will fail as a Nation.
The 'list'.
'Term limits, banning big business lobbyists, total accountability, honesty and elected representatives actually representing their constituents'?
'Term Limits' - That's what elections are for. Why amend the Constitution when the Constitution PROVIDES for elections? Why have the 'Government' step in and take way your right to vote for WHO you want WHEN you want? To the tea baggers - this is one of your talking points. Government 'overreach'. And yet you WANT the Government to 'overreach'.
'Banning Big Business Lobbyists' - Why just 'Big Business'? Why not ALL business? Why not all lobbyists? Why? You may have heard of the First Amendment to the Constitution wherein it states : 'and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances'. Or do you again want Government to 'overreach' and set up lists of who can and cannot lobby or 'petition the Government'?
'Total Accountability' - For what? Do you mean if they don't vote the way you want them to that they need to be held 'accountable'? In a Republic, our representatives represent ALL of us. NOT just the people that voted for them. And elections ARE our way of holding them accountable. Or do you want weekly public trials?
'Honesty' - Yeah. That's what campaigns and especially 'KEEPING INFORMED' are for. We have the recall process for thsoe that are not 'honest'. Or and you may have heard of this - we have elections.
'Elected representatives actually representing their constituents'? - Again do you mean that if they don't vote the way YOU want them to 'EVERY" time that then they are not 'representating' you? The vast majority of Americans have little to no idea of what our Representatives do or how they actually vote on legislation. And again in a Republic, our Representatives represent ALL of us, not just the ones who voted for them. Or do some actually want the choas of a 'Democracy'?
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