Tuesday, September 27, 2011

And just for the halibut of it......

'Chinese Town Cancels Dog-Eating Festival'

'If you've been gearing up for the annual dog eating festival in Jinhua City, China, you'll have to find something else to do that weekend: "Internet-savvy" animal rights activists and dog lovers convinced the local government to cancel the fest, originally scheduled for October'.

As the LA Times explains, the dog-eating festival celebrated a tradition dating back to 1389, in honor of a Ming dynasty military hero who supposedly killed all the dogs in Jinhua so they wouldn't bark and blow his cover as he attempted to capture the town. People on the Internet complained about how dogs have been stabbed, strangled, beaten, and boiled at the festival, or subjected to having their eyes scratched out, fur plucked out, and mouths wired shut. The local government thought these concerns outweighed  (YA THINK!!!!!) the importance of the "emotional attachment" some villagers had developed for the festival, and there you go, no more dog-eating'.
From : http://gawker.com/5843649/chinese-town-cancels-dog+eating-festival

Or how about 'missing' Pigs?

'Attention pig farmers! Thieves who may or may not be operating in "well-organized rings" have been stealing hundreds of pigs owned by your Minnesota and Iowa brethren—most likely to sell as emotional-support animals the pork chops and hams of the future. Your porcine pals could be next'!

'Thieves stole 200 pigs in Mitchell County, Iowa, and hundreds more from southern Minnesota farms. One Mitchell County farmer attributes the thefts to "a few bad eggs," but that's really not specific enough. A sheriff in Minnesota believes the thefts are intentional, well-researched, and conducted by experienced pig dealers who target isolated farms where the pigs come with no identifying marks. Soaring pig prices are their incentive: A healthy 250- to 275-pound porker now goes for around $200, almost double last year's average asking price'.
From : http://gawker.com/5843683/whos-stealing-americas-pigs

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