Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"For the First time in 10,000 years..........'

'Bowhead whales have navigated the Northwest Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans for what could be the first time in nearly 10,000 years'.

'Researchers from the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources used satellite tracking to monitor the movements of the whales - and found that, last year, whales from both oceans entered the passage to reach an area called Viscount Melville Sound'.

'It was previously thought that the sea ice in the Northwest Passage was too impenetrable even for Bowhead whales, which are known for their ability to navigate ice-bound seas'.

'They say that the movement of species along this route could have implications for North Atlantic fishing stocks'.
From : http://www.desdemonadespair.net/2011/09/whales-navigate-northwest-passage-for.html

But it has nothing to do with 'climatge change' 'global warming'.........

'In the paper in 1975, Columbia University geoscientist Wally Broecker calculated how much carbon dioxide would accumulate in the atmosphere in the coming 35 years, and how temperatures consequently would rise. His numbers have proven almost dead-on correct.'
From : http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hchUFDTcFVXkIzVWWH9iYGIXmCtw?docId=d837de45d0f44d3e8d178949d13b180c

Nope, nothing to do with either of them.

What's the name of that river in Egypt?

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