Monday, October 31, 2011

The 'Trickle Down Effect' of cutting Government

'There are four primary ways in which state and local budgets in particular support private-sector jobs':

'1) Transfer payments: A significant portion of state budgets goes toward transfer payments, such as Medicaid or unemployment benefits. These programs have some overhead costs, but the vast majority of these funds go straight into consumers’ pockets, who then spend the money in the private sector'.

'2) Private contracting: More and more work is being done on the local level not by government workers, but by private workers on public contracts. See those construction workers repairing that bridge on your way to work? They’re likely employed by a private contractor, but if the government cuts highway spending, poof! Their job is gone'.

'3) Equipment suppliers: While many services are subsidized or contracted out by the public sector—and thus actually provided by the private sector—others are provided in-house. Public safety and education come to mind. But the funds aren’t all spent on public employee salary and benefits—much of it is spent on equipment and materials as well. Firefighters need hoses and trucks, and teachers need books, computers, and chalk. Everyone needs office supplies. And all those goods are produced by private-sector workers'.

'4) Re-spending: The first three items in this list show how budget cuts can cause private-sector job loss. True, there will be public-sector job loss as well. But as all these workers lose their jobs—both private and public—they cut back on their spending on food, clothing, durables, and other consumer goods. And who provides consumer goods? Private-sector workers'.

'Because this is the reality conservatives are desperately trying to ignore':

'Viewing state and local budget relief as only affecting the public sector underestimates just how intertwined the public and private sectors really are'.
From :

Take a number

When I was born, I was the 2,652,690,053rd person in the population at that time.

That's my number, go get your own.

Today the UN estimates that the World's population will hit 7 Billion.

Imagine. In just under 60 years, we have gone from 2.6 Billion to 7 Billion people living on the Earth.

The good news is that the rate of increase is declining :

The bad news is that the population is still increasing. Along with the suffering and misery of poverty.

'At a poverty line of $1.25 a day, the revised estimates find :

'•1.4 billion people live at this poverty line or below'.

20% - 1 in 5 people living in the World today, sustain themselves on $1.25 a day.

But that's the World. We're the US. The Greatest Country in the World.

Where our poverty rate is only 15%.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Was it something they said?

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.”
~Dwight D. Eisenhower

“Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.”
~Abraham Lincoln

“To impose taxes when the public exigencies require them is an obligation of the most sacred character, especially with a free people.”
~James Monroe

“Today’s so-called ‘conservatives’ don’t even know what the word means. They think I’ve turned liberal because I believe a woman has a right to an abortion. That’s a decision that’s up to the pregnant woman, not up to the pope or some do-gooders or the Religious Right. It’s not a conservative issue at all.”
~Barry Goldwater

“The tax which will be paid for the purpose of education is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance.”
~Thomas Jefferson

“I know of no safe repository of the ultimate power of society but people. And if we think them not enlightened enough, the remedy is not to take the power from them, but to inform them by education.”
~Thomas Jefferson

“While I am a great believer in the free enterprise system and all that it entails, I am an even stronger believer in the right of our people to live in a clean and pollution-free environment.”
~Barry Goldwater

“Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost.”
~Ronald Reagan

“Only a fool would try to deprive working men and working women of their right to join the union of their choice.”
~Dwight D. Eisenhower

“We establish no religion in this country. We command no worship. We mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are and must remain separate.”
~Ronald Reagan

“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”
~Dwight Eisenhower
From :

Role Models in the American Work Ethic

'House Majority Leader Eric Cantor released the 2012 House calendar today, and lawmakers will be spending even less time in Washington next year than they did this year'.

'There are just six scheduled working days in January. Three in August. And five in October. In all, the House of Representatives is scheduled to be in session 109 weekdays next year, and will be in recess 151 weekdays - meaning recess days will outstrip working days by nearly a 3 to 2 margin'.
From :

And before all of you respond with 'The Campaigner in  Chief' come backs, show me in the Constitution  where the President Of The United Statges can pass legislation or spend a single penny.

And for all of the 'well he is the leader' :

'“Obama is on the ropes; why do we appear ready to hand him a win?” said one senior House Republican aide who requested anonymity to discuss the matter freely'.
From :

“Our #1 priority is to make President Obama a one term president” – Mitch McConnell
From :

“We will make it so that a Democrat cannot govern as a Democrat.”
Grover Norquist
From :

If someone won't work with you, only a fool would keep trying to work with them. Guess that's why he is campaigning AGAINST Congress. A Congress that is SO popular :

'Congress' New Approval Rating Low: 9%'
From :

Maybe that's why they don't want to work.

How much do we pay them again?

'The current salary (2011) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year'.
From :

Who's is more stupid? Them for not working? Or us for voting for them?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Caturday at the Kanes

From :

'Birtherism' - It's not just for Rick Perry

'This week, birther queen Orly Taitz joined radical Arizona immigration sheriff Joe Arpaio — who is conducting his own investigation into Obama’s birthplace — at a Tea Party town hall in Arizona.'

'Arpaio, however, surprised the crowd by telling Taitz that he has evidence even she doesn’t have. And though he can’t tell her, or anyone else, what it is, he promises it will surprise even the harshest critics of the birtherism movement':

'ARPAIO: Thanks for your info. We’re looking at this very closely. I can’t tell you everything, but there could a shock somewhere my guys came up with, and we’ll see how that — again, I can’t talk too much about it. [...] I gotta be careful sometimes, because it’s very complex'.
From :

"My gut tells me a couple of things. Number 1, you know it took a long time to produce this certificate and when it came out, as you know, you check out the internet, many people say it is not real. Okay? It's a forgery," Donald Trump told CNN'.
From :


Newt Gingrich - just call opponents 'traitor'

In 1996.

Maybe (wink,wink) this is why some people like Newt.

Everybody throws words around and especially in a heated arguement, those words can get nasty at times.

And politics is not the exception - it is THE rule when it comes to hot button words.

But on a National level and from a (then) leader of the Republican Party, AND in a memo - not just using but encouraging the use of especially this word - 'traitor' - is wrong on any level.

'Language: A Key Mechanism of Control'

'Newt Gingrich's 1996 GOPAC memo'

'As you know, one of the key points in the GOPAC tapes is that "language matters."

' But, we believe that you could have a significant impact on your campaign and the way you communicate if we help a little. That is why we have created this list of words and phrases'.

'Often we search hard for words to define our opponents. Sometimes we are hesitant to use contrast. Remember that creating a difference helps you. These are powerful words that can create a clear and easily understood contrast. Apply these to the opponent, their record, proposals and their party'.

anti- (issue): flag, family, child, jobs
failure (fail)
From :

What if we paid off the national debt?

'NPR releases secret report prepared during the Clinton administration about paying off the national debt with the surplus it had accumulated'.

'Nixed. Why? They concluded that too little debt was a problem'.

'Full report in PDF, Life After Debt'

'What If We Paid Off The Debt? The Secret Government Report (with audio) by by David Kestenbaum at NPR'.

'The US only paid down the national debt once, under President Andrew Jackson. It was followed by a depression'.

'When The U.S. Paid Off The Entire National Debt (And Why It Didn't Last), also at NPR'.

'See also L. Randall Wray, The Federal Budget is NOT like a Household Budget – Here’s Why'.
From :

A lot of links but some really good stuff.

Looking for that 'Pot 'O Gold'

'A Northern Ireland man who tried to turn his own faeces into gold by putting it on an electric heater has been jailed for three months'.

'The bizarre experiment, carried out by Paul Moran, 30, caused around £3,000 worth of damage to his Housing Executive home in a block of flats at Derrin Park in Enniskillen in July'.

'His Honour Judge McFarland told him: “Rather bizarrely you were attempting to make gold from human faeces and waste products'.

“It was an interesting experiment to fulfil the alchemist’s dream, but wasn’t going to succeed.”
From :

The 'Great Debate' - Herm vs. Newt

It's being called a 'modified Lincoln-Douglas' debate. Modified being Lincoln and Douglas actually knew what they were talking about and Herm and Newt don't.

Newt is the 'dinosaur of Republican politics. His 'Andy Warhol' 15 minutes were back in the 90's.(

He was forced to resign his Speakers post (

cheated on one cancer stricken wife (

and of late, flip-flopping on issues (

and making unintelligible remarks (

And Herm got in just to sell books and try to get Glenn Beck's old spot on Fox.

The Texas Tea Party Patroits are sponsoring the 'debate' and it will be covering the 'entitlements', Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

So far no national broadcast of it.

A Texas Tea Party event and Presiential Candidate Texas Governor not invited.


A tea party group is  calling for US Representative Bachmann to quit  :

But they have also endorsed Governor Perry.

And US Representative Steve King (R-Ia) will emcee of the 'great debate'.

OWS - The Good, the Bad and now the Ugly

The 'good' was the orginal intention.
The bad was protesting the wrong people.
The ugly?
What a leaderless, directionless 'movement' becomes.

USA Today:
Report: Fights erupt among Occupy Wall Street protesters

How Occupy Wall Street Cost Me My Job blogs:
Another Public Radio Employee Canned for ‘Occupy’ Activism

Power Line:
Occupy Wall St. Sanctioned for Public Masturbation
Boston Globe:
Boston police probing threats possibly tied to Occupy movement
News Hounds:
Bill O'Reilly Lectures Guests To Back Up Allegations, Then Takes Credit For Drop In Public Approval

NY Daily News:
Occupy Wall St. gets dangerous; NYPD threatens to sue rowdy demonstrators who initiate violence

An Overextended Government

“Of the two factors, aging is the more important,” the CBO said in a June report. With 10,000 Americans turning 62 every day, the ranks of Social Security recipients are projected to almost double to 97 million by 2035'.

Is the problem with the Debt/deficit one of too many people in the US? Too many of us living too long?

'A record 49 percent of Americans live in a household where someone receives at least one type of government benefit, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. And 63 percent of all federal spending this year will consist of checks written to individuals for which the government receives currently no services, the White House budget office estimates. That’s up from 46 percent in 1975 and 18 percent in 1940'.
'With the unemployment rate stuck at about 9 percent for 30 consecutive months, demand for unemployment benefits, food stamps and Medicaid has soared'.

'The number of Americans receiving food stamps alone is up 72 percent over the past five years, to a record 45.3 million. Their annual cost, projected this year to reach $80 billion, tops the yearly budgets of most federal agencies'.

'More than 2 million Americans who have served in one of the theaters have begun claiming promised health-care and education benefits'.

'“None of this adds up,” said Conrad (D- ND). “One of the biggest obstacles to doing what has to be done is public opinion.”
From :

Yeah. If all those pesky people weren't alive.

This is the 'ten foot poll' question.

If the resources to help people are running out or overextended, do we expand the revenues into these programs?

Maybe cut back on the programs and rely on charity. But with 49% receiving some type of Government check, can the other 51% be THAT charitable?

Does compassion enter into an economic equation on balancing the budget?

Privatize Social Security and the quality of life/standard of living drops like a rock. Seniors eating Top Ramen and crackers, afraid to spend money because they don't know how long tghey will live so need to keep all the money they have.

Or maybe senoirs working until they are 70, 75, 80, 85. Would you want your parents working that long?

Do you want to work that long?

The 'golden years' of keep on punching a time clock.

Ditto Medicare. Do away with it and have only a for profit medical system and if some gets sick and especially with a major illness or accident, they will have to start weighing if they should die or hold on.

Especially if they have a spouse. A prolonged illness could drain the savings and leave the surviving spouse destitute.

We either pay a system forward, medical, financial security to assure a quality of life, a standard of living or we shift the duty/burden to charity or we say 'it sucks to get old in America'.

And the same is true with our Country's physical infrastructure. We either pay it forward, maintaining and building more roads, airports, bridges, schools so that our children have the opportunity or we watch our children watch most of the rest of the World as they are passed by because other Countries DID invest in their infrastructure.

Just putting America back to work. Taking a trillion dollars and creating jobs building/repairing schools, roads, bridges and waterways, putting/hiring teachers, police and firemen/women. People witgh paychecks spending money they earned instead of taking money from the Government. And by spending money, creating demand for productsd and services and thus creating jobs in the private sector. Soon, instead of the Government having to pay unemployment, medicaid, they are getting revenue in the form of income and other taxes.

But that isn't going to happen in an election year.

Instead we just get to watch the Country fall apart. 

An overextended Government or too many people?

The 'You MIGHT blame someone for trying and failing...

But you WILL blame someone for not even trying..........

'Here's everything you need to know about the latest proposal by Democrats to reduce the national debt by $3 trillion, half of it cuts (including Medicare), half of it revenue increases, and it's the second paragraph of the Reuters story':

'Republicans rejected the Democratic initiative'.

'Any questions'?

'Poll after poll shows Americans want a combination of tax increases and spending cuts to rein in the national debt.  Republicans refuse.  Maybe that's why Congress has a 9% approval rating'. Go figure'.
From :

'Congressional Approval in Single Digits'

'The latest New York Times/CBS News poll finds the approval rate for Congress at just 9%, with 84% disapproving'.

'Meanwhile, President Obama's approval rating is at 46% and "appears to be elevated by positions he has taken on foreign affairs'."
From :

'Although plenty of political and economic diagnostic indicators are signaling danger for President Obama, this election season still doesn’t have a dominant direction. During the 2006, 2008, and 2010 cycles, the question was how many seats would the victorious party pick up, not which one the political tides would benefit most. But so far for 2012, the weather vanes are just spinning'.
From :

They are 'spinning' because The President spent 30 of the last 32 months on the sidelines. Only recently (because he wants to be re-elected) has he announced, supported and very actively and aggressively campaigned for these issues.

And they are 'spinning' because people see the Republican controled House refusing to debate legislation or the Republican minority Senate filibustering any legislation that might make the President or Democrats 'look good'.

Taking the politics and the poll approval/disapproval out of it.

The people of this Country are hurting. For the legislators to do nothing for 14 months as people continue to struggle, should be criminal.

Instead we will re-elect approx. 80% of our Congress as there are only approx. 40-50 Senate and House seats that are considered 'open'.

Tell me again how we are the 'Greatest Nation on Earth'.

It's not just the Republican or Democratic policies that are destroying the Country, it's the power of the political parties that is killing the middle class in favor of 'special interests' and the political parties agenda over the 'will of the people'.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sunday Picks

Week 8
Total 61 - 42 = 59%
Since it 'can't get worse'.............. - go to 2 minute mark.
I've decided to flip a coin on my picks. Might not pick the flip but what the flippin' hey..............

With the Coin - 7

Against the coin - 6

Week 8

Cincinnati at Seattle - Pick - Cinci
The coin flip and I both agreed - Cinci. Seattle is just too beat up. Cinci isn't the dream team but are just a game behind the Steelers. 
Arizona at Baltimore - Pick - Balt
The coin flip had Ari. Nawwwwwwwwwwwwww. Gotta go with Balt. 

Minnesota at Carolina - Pick - Minnesota
The coin flip and I agree. Minnesota IS putting it together but Carolina has been doing that since game 1. So a nod to the experienced QB. Then I said screw 'What am I thinking going with Carolina?' Nope. Changing my mind. Minnesota's lines, O&D are far superior. And with Peterson running? (Along with the NFC East I really, really REALLY hate Carolina!!!!!!)

Jacksonville at Houston - Pick - Houston
Going against the flip. Nothing breeds success like winning and especailly winning big. 

Miami at NY Giants - Pick - Giants
The coin didn't argue with me on this.

New Orleans at St. Louis - Pick - New Orleans
The coin said St. Louie. The coin is crazy.

Indianapolis at Tennessee - Pick - Tennessee
The coin said Indy. Indy just lost 462 to nothing. Nope. Matt and Team Titan bounce back.

Detroit at Denver - Pick - Denver
Detroit on the road. Starting to reel. Denver with the comeback kid Tiny Tim Tebow? Even the coin likes Denver.

Washington at Buffalo - Pick - Buffalo
The coin and I agree. Buffalo has the offence.

Cleveland at San Francisco - Pick - San Fran
Coin says Cleveland. Nope. I would have said that last year. This year? 'Somethings' happening here, What it is ain't exactly clear.'

New England at Pittsburgh - Pick - Pittsburgh
The coin said it and I say it.

Dallas at Philadelphia - Pick - Phily
The coin and I agree. 


San Diego at Kansas City - Pick - Kansas City
KC was actually my team to pick from the start. Then they just fell apart once the season started. They are on a roll and SD is stumbling. Coin  agreed.

·Bye: Atlanta, Chicago, Green Bay, Oakland, NY Jets, Tampa Bay

Mitt Romney should be paying Herman Cain & Rick Perry

Because the more they talk, the better he looks!

Actually too late Mitt. Perry is about ready to hand you your ass for not being 'Conservative enough'.
See :

Don't believe it?

Just ask Rush - - - -

'I like him very much. I’ve spent some social time with him. He’s a fine guy. He’s very nice gentleman. He is a gentleman. But he’s not a conservative'.
From :

But if this hadn't/wasn't about to happen, you could have paid these two and saved campaign funds.

The only problem Perry has is that he looks and acts so stupid when he stands next to other people who are alive. It becomes a serious question for Perry - can he walk and chew bubble gum at the same time? The  answer is - it doesn't look like it.

So will the ad blitz make him look good? Or just destroy Romney? And if all it does is knock Mitt out of the race, the 'last man standing' could be Cain.

Then the only problem for Obama is that people would be laughing so hard they'd forget to vote. Still an Obama landslide in a year it should have been an easy Republican victory.

All because Romney may be seen as 'not Conservative enough'.

Herman Cain :
'"We're not going to throw the people at the poverty level under the bus," Cain told an audience at the Western Republican Leadership Conference. "No, we're not going to do that. But we've already made provisions for that. But I just hadn't told the public and my opponents about it yet."

"I wanted to wait until I got attacked on that for a while," said Cain, whose plan was attacked Tuesday by rivals at a Las Vegas debate. "We already have a plan for that. But I wanted to see if they would come at that. They thought that it was going to be dead in the water. No."
From :


Rick Perry in an interview in Parade Magazine :

'Governor, do you believe that President Barack Obama was born in the United States'?

Perry : 'I have no reason to think otherwise'.

'That’s not a definitive, “Yes, I believe he”—'

Perry : 'Well, I don’t have a definitive answer, because he’s never seen my birth certificate'.

***OK stop a minute. What does President Obama not having seen YOUR Birth Certificate have to do with HIM being born in America?

'But you’ve seen his'.

Perry : 'I don’t know. Have I'?

***OK.OK.OK. Wait a minute. You can't answer a simple question - 'You've seen his'? Really? It's that hard of a question?

'You don’t believe what’s been released'?
Pedrry : 'I don’t know. I had dinner with Donald Trump the other night'.

***Your killing me man. You 'don't know' if you believe the Presidents Birth Certificate is real? And what does having dinner with Donald Trump have to do with President Obama's Birth Certificate?


Perry : 'That came up'.

'And he said'?

Perry : 'He doesn’t think it’s real'.

'And you said'?
Perry : 'I don’t have any idea. It doesn’t matter. He’s the President of the United States. He’s elected. It’s a distractive issue'.

That's what having dinner with The Donald has to do with it. Donald creates a distractive issue and you continue it.

Birtherism Reborn!

You should add Orly Taitz to your camapign staff.

Best Political Quote of the Day

Nope. Not Pat Robertson.

Republican media strategist Alex Castellanos on the affects of the change in  Perry's campaign staff:

“I expect that a few Perry positives will soon hit the TV airwaves, but they will just be cover for a brutal assault on Romney from the Perry campaign and his super PAC.”

'He warned: “Perry won’t just go negative. He’ll make your television bleed and beg for mercy.”
From :

With friends like this.......

'A Vallejo man was found in a child's swing Saturday morning after reportedly being stuck for about nine hours, police said.

'At about 6 a.m., a groundskeeper of Blue Rock Springs Park heard a man screaming when he arrived at work. He then called the police to investigate'.

'Upon arrival, police found a 21-year-old man stuck in a child's swing, which has two leg holes'.
'The man told police that he had been stuck in the swing since 9 p.m. Friday after he allegedly made a $100 bet with his friends. He proceeded to lube himself with laundry detergent to get into the swing, police said'.

'The friends then reportedly left him swinging through the night'.
From :

While you were sleeping

'On Monday, at around 2 p.m. ET, a coronal mass ejection (CME) slammed into the Earth's magnetosphere. According to NASA's Space Weather Laboratory, the conditions were just right for the CME's magnetic field to compress the Earth's magnetosphere so much that, for a short time (between 3:06 p.m and 3:11 p.m. ET), energetic solar wind particles penetrated as deep as geosynchronous orbit -- home to hundreds of communication satellites'.
From :

This is so cool!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

'Operation Fox Hunt' - Anonymous

This is just wrong.

I have no love for Fox so called news. Outside of running across a link to them as I wander the Web or reading News Hounds (We watch Fox so you don't have to), there is no reason to listen to a 'news' organization that only misinforms or disinforms.

I don't know if I'd favor a law like Canada has :

Where 'Canada's Radio Act requires that "a licenser may not broadcast ... any false or misleading news."
Fox is banned from broadcasting from Canandian soil but can be broadcst into Canada.

But free speech must trump all.

‘Operation FOX Hunt’ To Begin. Anonymous Tells FOX News; ‘Your Time has Come'

'Anonymous states Fox News’ “continued propaganda” against the Occupy Wall Street protesters, as the reason for “Operation FOX Hunt.”

“Those such as Sean Hannity are attacking the credentials as well as the character of the occupiers.”

'Anonymous “intends on destroying the Fox News website” and “we will also engage in a propaganda campaign of our own to show them how it feels to be chastised. Fox News, your time has come.”
From :

The Anonymous video :

'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it'.

Well actually not Voltaire.

'The men who had hated [the book], and had not particularly loved Helvétius, flocked round him now. Voltaire forgave him all injuries, intentional or unintentional. 'What a fuss about an omelette!' he had exclaimed when he heard of the burning. How abominably unjust to persecute a man for such an airy trifle as that! 'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,' was his attitude now'.
S. G. Tallentyre, referring to Voltaire. Often attributed to Voltaire.
pseudonym of Evelyn Beatrice Hall
From :

'Truth has a much better sound then silence'.

A thought experiment -

What came first?

The Chicken?

The Egg?


Occupy the Voting Booth

'OWS: Bills introduced by the 112th Republican / Teaparty Congress'

'HERE IS WHERE I’LL INSERT A SHOUT-OUT to all those who didn’t vote in 2010. Maybe the numbers above and below might convince you to not sit out the 2012 election. The people with the misspelled signs and Li’l Rascal chairs sure won’t'.

'112th Congress (2011-2013)'

Majority Party: Republican (242 seats)
Minority Party: Democrat (193 seats)
Other Parties: 0
Total Seats: 435

Majority Party: Democrat (51 seats)
Minority Party: Republican (47 seats)
Other Parties: 1 Independent; 1 Independent Democrat
Total Seats: 100

'Occupy Wall Street AND Occupy the Voting Booth next year if you’re against more tax cuts for the wealthy and more spending cuts for the rest of us'.
From :

Sunday, October 23, 2011

'It's those welfare queens and socialists that are bankrupting America'

WE need to increase Defense spending right?

What was that that President Eisenhower said about a 'military industrail complex'?

'In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist'.
From :

'How often does the Pentagon award contracts to defense companies that have already been proven to be defrauding taxpayers? A report the Department of Defense did at the request of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) reveals an answer that should make Washington very uncomfortable'.

'The report, released today, showed that hundreds of defense contractors found guilty of civil fraud received more than $1.1 trillion in defense contracts since 2001. The study took into account only companies that were found to have defrauded taxpayers of more than $1 million dollars'.

'More than $573 billion went directly to companies that were guilty of defrauding taxpayers, and when you factor in the awards that went to the parent companies of those contractors, the total is $1.1 trillion. Of that $573 billion, more than two-thirds—$398 billion—went to companies after they had been found guilty of fraud'.
From :

A summary of the DOD report :

Lockheed Martin Corp., the largest defense contractor, paid at least the following amounts for defrauding the Pentagon over the last ten years
•$4.25 million in 2000
•$6.2 million in 2002
•$37.9 million in 2003 (to resolve allegations that it fraudulently inflated the cost of performing several Air Force contracts)
•$12.6 million in 2006
This is a total of $60.95 million in fraud judgments and settlements.

Despite this, we continued to work with Lockheed Martin and awarded the company more than $200 billion in taxpayer funded contracts in the last decade.

The Boeing Company, the next largest contractor, paid at least the following amounts for defrauding the Pentagon over the last ten years
•$54 million in 2000 (to settle charges that it placed defective gears in more than one hundred and forty Army helicopters)
•$651,663 in 2003
•$565 million in 2006
•$25 million in 2009
This is a total of $644.65 million in fraud judgments and settlements.

Despite this, we continued to work with Boeing and awarded the company more than $21 billion in taxpayer funded contracts in the last decade.

Northrop Grumman Corp., the third largest defense contractor, paid at least the following amounts for defrauding the Pentagon over the last ten years
•$5.3 million in 2000
•$17.8 million in 2003
•$62 million in 2005
•$325 million in 2009

This is a total of $410 million in fraud judgments and settlements.

Despite this, we continued to work with Northrop Grumman and awarded the company more than $9 billion in taxpayer funded contracts in the last decade.

All I Want For Christmas Is - A Debt Downgrade?

We may long for the days when all we got was coal in our stockings. Mostly because we could burn it to keep warm.

'BofA: Another US Debt Downgrade Is Coming In Just A Few Weeks'

'However, all the Republican members have signed the Norquist “no taxes” pledge and with taxes off the table it is hard to imagine the liberal Democrats on the Committee agreeing to significant entitlement cuts. The credit rating agencies
have strongly suggested that further rating cuts are likely if Congress does not come up with a credible long-run plan. Hence, we expect at least one credit downgrade in late November or early December when the super Committee crashes'.
From :

The Iraq War

'President Barack Obama on Friday announced that virtually all U.S. troops will come home from Iraq by the end of the year -- at which point he can declare an end to America's long and costly war in that Middle Eastern nation'.

'Of the 39,000 troops in Iraq, about 150, a negligible force, will remain to assist in arms sales, a U.S. official told CNN. The rest will be out of Iraq by December 31'.

'Beyond the human cost, the price tag for U.S. military activity in Iraq has been steep as well. The Defense Department estimated that its operations there over the past decade have cost more than $700 billion'.
From :

And the 'human' cost?

It’s only been 3,095 days since this happened…

'Here are some relevant numbers':

'8 years, 260 days since Secretary of State Colin Powell presented evidence of Saddam Hussein’s biological weapons program.'

'8 years, 215 days since the March 20, 2003 invasion of Iraq'.

'8 years, 175 days since President George W. Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” speech on the USS Abraham Lincoln'.

'4,479 U.S. military fatalities'.

'30,182 U.S. military injuries'.

'468 contractor fatalities'.

'103,142 – 112,708 documented civilian deaths'.

'2.8 million internally displaced Iraqis'.

'$806 billion in federal funding for the Iraq War through FY2011'.

'$3 – $5 trillion in total economic cost to the United States of the Iraq war according to economist Joseph E. Stiglitz and Linda J. Blimes'.

'$60 billion in U.S. expenditures lost to waste and fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001'.

'0 weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq'
From :

'"You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will'.
General William Tecumseh Sherman
to the Mayor and Councilmen of Atlanta
From :

'Mission Accomplished'
President George 'Dildo' Bush
To the American People
on the USS Abraham Lincoln 8 years ago.

US Rep. Eric Cantor - Not 'We the People' just selected ones

'House Majority Leader Eric Cantor  (R-VA) "canceled a speech on income inequality at the University of Pennsylvania Friday morning, after his office was told that the school opened the speech to the public and it was targeted by protesters -- including Occupy Philadelphia," Politico reports'.
From :

Unfortunately, Wharton has an 'open to the general public' policy.

'“The Office of the Majority Leader was informed last night by Capitol Police that the University of Pennsylvania was unable to ensure that the attendance policy previously agreed to could be met,” wrote Cantor spokeswoman Laena Fallon'.

'Wharton deeply regrets that the event scheduled at the School this afternoon with Majority Leader Eric Cantor has been cancelled'.

'The Wharton speaker series is typically open to the general public, and that is how the event with Majority Leader Cantor was billed'.
From : 

Another 'quality' addition to FOX so called news

'Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford (R)'.
From :

'South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford (R) "declared his Argentine mistress his soul mate Tuesday but said he is committed to reconciling with his wife in hopes of saving his family and what is left of his political career."
'According to the the AP, Sanford also "admitted meeting his lover more times than he had previously claimed" and said "that he 'crossed lines' with a handful of other women during 20 years of marriage."
From :

Friday, October 21, 2011

For You Dylan Ratigan Fans.......

While Dylan is AGAINST the 1%, he'd really, really, REALLY like to BE one of the 1%!

'From our former Washington Lobbyist, Jimmy Williams, here is a DRAFT of our Constitutional Amendment for public debate this fall':

"No person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, campaign contributions to candidates for Federal office shall not constitute speech of any kind as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution or any amendment to the U. S. Constitution. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office."

While a wonderful idea in the 'perfect World', not practical at all.

The very people that PASS the laws, need to pass on an Amendment to the Constituion, are the VERY ONES WHO BENEFIT THE MOST.

So, no. Congress won't pass this.

And if they did? The majority of the States Legislatures that would also have to vote and pass it won't because they ASLO benefit the most form campaign cash.

And IF it ever got to the Supreme Court? In Citizens United, they ruled that money IS free Speech.

And don't think that the Justices aren't influenced by money. The most glaring example is Justice Thomas and his wife's relationship with the Tea Party and his relationship to Citizen United and the Koch brothers.

When the system is broken, the last and best resort is to expose the system.

Expose all elected officals and those running for office. Where does the money come from. How much. How did the money affect the legislators vote.

Knowledge is power.

The 'cause' of corruption in our Government, for the most part is money based. But causality should not be taken so lightly as to change the Constitution with every new 'cause' that comes around.  

Keeping Government out of our business

Not so much if you live in Louisiana.

'In a new law that could put every trading post, Goodwill, flea market, garage sale and Craigslist merchant in the state of Louisiana out of business, a bipartisan group of elected representatives has opted to ban all cash payments for the buying and selling of used goods'.

'Though House Bill 195 was intended to make it easier to track the sales of stolen goods by giving police a paper trail to follow, the unintended consequences could be much more widespread. Namely, the law requires second-hand sales be made paid for with credit cards, paper checks, electronic transfer or money orders. Cash is prohibited'.

'The law also requires second-hand sellers to obtain personal information about each buyer — information like names, addresses, driver’s license number and even, if applicable, their license plate number — and turn it over to state officials'.
From :

And just to add some transparentcy, the bill passed 89 yea - 0 nay - and 14 'other'.
From :

Recycling In Space

'The military wants to start a recycling program. In space'.

'The military's research branch is announcing the Phoenix program to find a way to use parts from these retired satellites, especially components like expensive antennas that are often in good working order well after the satellites are retired'.

'The plan is for parts like an antenna to be removed from the dead satellite. Then new technologies and electronics would be robotically placed on the part, in essence creating a new satellite'.

'The agency expects work on the technology to begin early in 2012, with a demonstration not projected to occur until 2015'.
From :

Real Grandparents Babysitting

'A woman in a supermarket is following a grandfather and his badly behaved 3- year-old grandson. It's obvious to her that he has his hands full with the child screaming for sweets in the candy aisle, for biscuits in the bread aisle; and for fruit, cereal and pop in the other aisles'.

'Meanwhile, Granddad is working his way around, saying in a controlled voice, "Easy, William, we won't be long . . . easy, boy." Another outburst, and she hears the granddad calmly say, "It's okay, William, just a couple more minutes, and we'll be out of here. Hang in there, boy."

'At the checkout, the little terror is throwing items out of the cart, and Granddad says again in a controlled voice, "William, William, relax buddy, don't get upset. We'll be home in five minutes. Stay cool, William."

'Very impressed, the woman goes outside where the grandfather is loading his groceries and the boy into the car. She said to the elderly gentleman, "It's none of my business, but you were amazing in there. I don't know how you did it. That whole time, you kept your composure, and no matter how loud and disruptive he got, you just calmly kept saying things would be okay. William is very lucky to have you as his grandpa."

"Thanks," said the grandfather, "but I'm William ...the little shit's name is Kevin." from FB
From :

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) - Why They Are Called teabaggers

Some of the very basic tenets of Tea Party were (yes past tense vs. what they have become) the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Keeping Government out of our lives, Government over reach.

Senator Jim DeMint is very prominent in the Tea Party. Very prominent.

So there is NO way he would propose legislation having the Government telling women how they can talk to their doctors if they discuss abortion. Right?

Freedom of speech - First Amendment of the Constitution under the Bill of Rights.

Government over reach, interfering with what people can do.

'“Under Sen. DeMint’s extreme plan, if abortion came up in that doctor-patient conversation, the woman and her physician would have to go to a separate communications system. He’s calling for an abortion-only version of Skype. It is impractical, ridiculous, and, most importantly, bad for women in rural or remote areas who would not be able to discuss the full set of options with their doctor.”
From :

And he attached this legislation to another bill on agriculture, transportation and housing. Just ignoring yet another Tea Party tenet of having only one issue in each bill.

So when you Tea Party people wonder why so many are looking with laughter at what the 'movement' has become, look no further then Senator Jim DeMint.

A 'do what I say, not what I do' teabagger.

Tea Party Nation

Americans right? Patriotic right?

From their web site :

'Call For A Strike of American Small Businesses Against The Movement for Global Socialism'

'Resolved that: The Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Senate......'

'Resolved that: President Obama has seized what amount to dictatorial powers to bypass our Congress........'

'Resolved that: By their agenda and actions, those in our government who swore oaths to protect and defend
our Constitution have committed treason against the United States'.(leatherneck will LOVE this one!)

'Resolved that: The current administration and Democrat majority in the Senate, in conjunction with Progressive socialists from all around the country, especially those from Hollywood and the left leaning news media ( Indeed, most of the news media. ) have worked in unison to advance an anti-business, an anti-free market, and an anti-capitalist ( anti-individual rights and property ownership ) agenda'.

'Resolved that: These same factions expect that, by carrying out a radical anti-business agenda.......'

'Resolved that: Our President, the Democrats-Socialists, most of the media, and most of those from Hollywood, have now encouraged and supported "Occupy" demonstrations......'

'I, an American small business owner, part of the class that produces the vast majority of real, wealth producing jobs in this country, hereby resolve that I will not hire a single person until this war against business and my country is stopped'.

'I hereby declare that my job creation potential is now ceased'.

Destroy a Nation just so President Obama isn't re-elected.

Tea Tea Party Nation. The 'real' Americans.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A 'President Cain' Doctrine - 'Negotiate with terrorists'

Mark yesterday as the day when the Cain campaign starts to go downhill.

This issue is not a Presidential 'doctrine'. This is not a political party 'doctrine'.

This issue is an AMerican Doctrine.


'BLITZER: Could you imagine if you were president…and there were one American soldier who had been held for years and the demand was al Qaeda or some other terrorist group, “You got to free everyone at Guantanamo Bay” – several hundred prisoners at Guantanamo. Could you see yourself as president authorizing that kind of transfer'?

'CAIN: I could see myself authorizing that kind of transfer but what I would do is I would make sure that I got all of the information. I got all of the input, considered all of the options. And then, the president has to be the president and make a judgment call. I can make that call if I had to'.
From :

There is no 'judgement call' to make. The United States DOES NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS!

Herman (Buy My Book or I'll buy it with YOUR money) Cain

'Republican presidential contender Herman Cain used campaign funds to buy his own books from his motivational speaking company, Federal Election Commission records show'.

'Although his autobiography was published by a division of Simon & Schuster Inc., Cain paid Stockbridge, Georgia-based T.H.E New Voice Inc. $36,511 for books. His campaign spent $4 million through Sept. 30, including more than $64,000 paid to his motivational speaking company for airfare, lodging and supplies, as well as the books'.

“They are buying my books and my pamphlets,” Cain said in an interview in between appearances in Arizona yesterday. “The campaign is buying them from T.H.E New Voice.”

'Cain said the sales are in compliance with FEC rules because the campaign is paying the going rate for the material'.

'Bill Allison, editorial director at the Washington-based Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan group that tracks political money, said the transactions deserve scrutiny'.

“All candidates publish books and they offer them as premiums to donors, but most candidates aren’t buying them from their own companies,” he said. “It raises the question of his campaign contributions ending up in his own pocket.”

'The FEC has let campaigns buy candidates’ books as long as they don’t profit by the sale'.
From :

Herman Cain - Stimulate Me! I like it AND profit from it!

'Listen to Herman Cain on the campaign trail, and you’ll hear him mock President Obama’s stimulus program a dozen different ways. Cain calls the program “a waste of money” that “didn’t stimulate anything other than bigger government” and a failure. One problem with Cain’s barrage of attacks? He sat on the board of directors of American corporations that applied for and received millions in stimulus money'.

'According to his personal financial disclosure (view a copy here), Cain supplements his income by being a board member for several large corporations. As a board member, he collected $202,500 from Agco Corporation, a farm products company, and $259,008 from Whirlpool Corporation (including options and a board salary). A review of stimulus spending records reveal that Cain’s companies have eagerly accepted stimulus money':

'– Agco Corporation received up to $5 million of stimulus grants to develop “supply systems to handle and deliver high tonnage biomass feedstocks for cellulosic biofuels production.”

'– Whirlpool Corporation received a $19,330,000 stimulus grant from the Department of Energy to develop SmartGrid solutions'.
From :

Herman Cain on abortion

Persosnally I am against abortion but especially on this question, only the woman who is pregnant should have ANY say as to carrying to term or abortion.

And Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain's stand?

You might want to sit down for this...............or leave a trail of bread crumbs.

'CAIN: I support life from conception. No people shouldn’t be free to abort because if we don’t protect the sanctity of life from conception, we will also start to play God relative to life at the end of life'.

'An understandably “confused” Stossel then asks Cain whether a rape victim should have the right to get an abortion. Cain then offers position 2':

'CAIN: That’s her choice. That’s not government choice. I support life from conception'.

'STOSSEL: So abortion should be legal'.

'CAIN: No abortion should not be legal'.

'A now thoroughly perplexed Stossel asserts, “I’m not getting it, I’m not understanding it” and helps Cain understand the obvious flaw: “If it’s her choice, then that means it’s legal.” Cain replies with position 3':

'CAIN: No! I don’t believe a woman should have an abortion. Does that help to clear it up'?

'STOSSEL: Even if she is raped'.

'CAIN: Even if she is raped or she is the victim of incest because there are other options. We must protect the sanctity of life and I have always believed that. Real clear'.
From :

Drug testing the 'other' recipients of Government 'funds'

Fraud in Government programs runs generally in the 1% to 8% range. Human beings are not perfect nor is the World perfect.

The best we can do is when we have programs that help people, we monitor (as cost/ benefit rotio) closely.

After all, eveyone knows about the infamous 'welfare queens'.

But how about the other recipients?

'COLUMBUS - State Representative Robert F. Hagan (D-Youngstown) has introduced legislation to improve accountability in state public officials. House Bill 343 requires drug and alcohol testing for statewide elected officials, legislators, JobsOhio board members and recipients of federal corporate bailout money (Troubled Asset Relief Program)'.

'The drug testing proposal comes in response to plans announced by Republican State Representatives Cliff Rosenberger (R-Clarksville) and Jim Butler (R-Oakwood) to require, "drug screenings of potential and existing beneficiaries of TANF (welfare recipients)'."

'Rep. Hagan's proposed legislation highlights the need for accountability and transparency in the way public officials are entrusted to govern while spending taxpayer dollars, or receiving them for pensions, healthcare, and salary'.
From :

Works for me. Now THIS is a Constitutional amendment I could get behind!

A Lower Court stand against Super Pac's

'FRANKFORT — A Franklin Circuit Judge issued a rare restraining order Monday to stop a group from airing attack ads against Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear after finding that the organization violated Kentucky’s campaign finance laws'.

'The Kentucky Democratic Party asked for the order against Restoring America, a third-party campaign committee, after the group failed to properly disclose its donors in a report to the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance in recent days'.

'The group, organized under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Service code, must report the source of its more than $1.3 million in contributions to the registry, according to state campaign finance laws. But the committee’s finance report listed Restoring America Inc. as its only contributor. Both Restoring America and Restoring America Inc. were started on the same day and use the same mailing address'.
From :

It will be over turned and quickly but I liked what the Judge said about why he ruled :

'“By hiding the contributors to the 527 from the public, respondents have immediately and irreparably harmed the petitioner and the public of their right to have a transparent campaign finance system whereby all contributors are disclosed publicly,” Wingate wrote'.

Sadly for Judge Wingate, the Supreme Court doesn't agree with him.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

For you Mitt Romney supporters - A slow 'Swift Boat' a coming

While I'm no Mitt Romney fan, I look at him, with what's left of the field of Republican candidates, as the most intelligent and sane one with the best chance of actually gaining the nomination.

Herman Cain on Mitt Romney's religion - 'Romney has not done “a good job of explaining his religion,” which he asserted would be a major liability in the South. Cain said the fact that Romney is a Mormon “doesn’t bother me,” but “it is an issue with a lot of southerners.”
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Herman Cain is wrong about Mitt Romney or anyone having to explain their religion but he is right about it being a problem and especially in the South.

Enter a slow 'Swift Boat' from Rick (The Dick) Perry -

'Texas Gov. Rick Perry has publicly distanced himself from the anti-Mormon rhetoric of a prominent Baptist minister who has endorsed his presidential campaign. But new evidence suggests that Perry’s team may be quietly advancing the notion that Mitt Romney’s faith should disqualify him from the White House'.

'The activist in question is David Lane, a conservative Christian power broker who directed fundraising for Perry’s August prayer rally and was reportedly among the leading voices in the evangelical community lobbying for the Texas governor to jump into the 2012 race. The email thread—which took place over the past two weeks and includes discussion of both campaign strategy and Christian theology—was between
Lane and Dick Bott, who heads Bott Radio Network, a self-described “leader in the development of Christian talk radio.”

'Bott indicated that the interview would be sympathetic to Jeffress, and defended the pastor for raising the Mormon issue: “What would anyone think if a candidate were a Scientologist?” Bott wrote. “Shouldn’t they want to know what the implications were that may flow therefrom?"

'Lane responded the next day with a lengthy email that began, “Thank you for what you are doing and for your leadership. Getting out Dr. Jeffress [sic] message, juxtaposing traditional Christianity to the false god of Mormonism, is very important in the larger scheme of things.”

'Doug Wead, a leading historian of the Christian right, has described Lane as “the mysterious, behind the scenes, evangelical kingmaker who stormed into Iowa in 2008 and tilted the whole thing from Romney to Huckabee.”

'Lane made clear in his emails that he has similar plans to derail Romney’s candidacy this time around. In fact, he told Bott that he would rather sit the race out than vote for a Mormon or President Obama'.
From :

I've said it before. This is going to get ugly. If it were over policy it would be one thing - but religion?

We, Americans, are OWED and intelligent (or as close as possible) debate ON THE ISSUES.

I think and hope that if the 'debate' were between Obama and Romney, the bar would at least be raised.

If Perry can knock off Romney? All Obama has to do is stand there. The crazy just comes natural to Perry.

And Cain?

Perry has to recover from his worse then bad performance in the debates. If he does, he has the money and will get the backing of the Tea and the Religious Right Conservatives. And the Tea and Religious Right WILL HAVE A CANIDATE.

Even a slow witted Conservative three term Governor trumps a crazy pizza guy. Well except to other crazy people.

Rush Limbaugh supports 'Christian' mass murderers

Keep in mind, Religion in itself is not good or bad. It's how people practice it.

Most of us don't know that we, the US are sending 100 military personnel to Uganda to help with the fight against the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army).

Note to Rush. Just because someone says they are 'Christian' ( see Westboro Baptist Church), does NOT mean they embrace what most would take as traditional 'Christian' values.

Rush Limbaugh -

'Now, up until today, most Americans have never heard of the combat Lord’s Resistance Army. And here we are at war with them......... Lord’s Resistance Army are Christians. It means God. I was only kidding. Lord’s Resistance Army are Christians. They are fighting the Muslims in Sudan. And Obama has sent troops, United States troops to remove them from the battlefield, which means kill them'.

'Lord’s Resistance Army objectives.......The objectives of the Lord’s Resistance Army, what they’re trying to accomplish with their military action in these countries is the following: “To remove dictatorship and stop the oppression of our people; to fight for the immediate restoration of the competitive multiparty democracy in Uganda'.
From :

'Courtesy of Human Rights Watch':

'LRA forces attacked at least 10 villages, capturing, killing, and abducting hundreds of civilians, including women and children. The vast majority of those killed were adult men, whom LRA combatants first tied up and then hacked to death with machetes or crushed their skulls with axes and heavy wooden sticks. The dead include at least 13 women and 23 children, the youngest a 3-year-old girl who was burned to death. LRA combatants tied some of the victims to trees before crushing their skulls with axes'.

More on the 'Lord's Resistence Army' from Global Security :

Especially in the extreme polorized politics of the day, far too many have 'target fixation'.

Rush Limbaugh - Someone is fighting 'Muslim's' and they say they are 'Christians'. They are good people.

No they aren't Rush. They, the LRA are a bunch of opportunistic savages, rapists and thieves who's 'leader' thinks he is a prophet. But you hate Obama SO much you can't see and didn't even look behind the 'Christian' label.

You only sell the garbage Rush. Sadly to millions of fools who believe every word you spout.

Rush's 'walk back' was pitiful :
'Is that right? The Lord's Resistance Army is being accused of really bad stuff? Child kidnapping, torture, murder, that kind of stuff? Well, we just found out about this today. We're gonna do, of course, our due diligence research on it. But nevertheless we got a hundred troops being sent over there to fight these guys -- and they claim to be Christians'.
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