'Being A Real American'
For ten bucks? I ordered it!!!!
'This book is on your side. It's not like all the others. Other books are out to get you. You know the ones: Novels that crush your spirit. Celebrity bios that make your life look boring. Sexy books with filthy sex in them'.
'This book, like America, has the answers. Good thing, too, because we are now faced with the most important question ever in the history of mankind. How can we tell who the real Americans are? Now, you may be thinking, "If you have to ask, you're not one, son." And that's a good start. But what we need is a simple answer. Complicated answers are for liars. The truth is as dumb as a box of hammers'.
'About the Author'
'Roland Boyle, known in impolite circles as the Tea Bastard, was born in the back seat of a bald eagle on the fourth of July in the middle of a firing range, raised by missionaries, and educated on the mean streets of Independence, Missouri. As the creator of teabastard.com, he crisscrossed the broad face of this great land, researching the new conservative movement, holding prayer meetings in public buildings, and drinking heavily. This book is the result'.
From : http://www.amazon.com/Party-Guide-Being-Real-American/dp/1402262698
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