Tuesday, October 18, 2011

For you Mitt Romney supporters - A slow 'Swift Boat' a coming

While I'm no Mitt Romney fan, I look at him, with what's left of the field of Republican candidates, as the most intelligent and sane one with the best chance of actually gaining the nomination.

Herman Cain on Mitt Romney's religion - 'Romney has not done “a good job of explaining his religion,” which he asserted would be a major liability in the South. Cain said the fact that Romney is a Mormon “doesn’t bother me,” but “it is an issue with a lot of southerners.”
From : http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2011/07/18/272256/cain-romney-cant-win-because-he-has-not-done-a-good-job-of-explaining-his-religion/

Herman Cain is wrong about Mitt Romney or anyone having to explain their religion but he is right about it being a problem and especially in the South.

Enter a slow 'Swift Boat' from Rick (The Dick) Perry -

'Texas Gov. Rick Perry has publicly distanced himself from the anti-Mormon rhetoric of a prominent Baptist minister who has endorsed his presidential campaign. But new evidence suggests that Perry’s team may be quietly advancing the notion that Mitt Romney’s faith should disqualify him from the White House'.

'The activist in question is David Lane, a conservative Christian power broker who directed fundraising for Perry’s August prayer rally and was reportedly among the leading voices in the evangelical community lobbying for the Texas governor to jump into the 2012 race. The email thread—which took place over the past two weeks and includes discussion of both campaign strategy and Christian theology—was between
Lane and Dick Bott, who heads Bott Radio Network, a self-described “leader in the development of Christian talk radio.”

'Bott indicated that the interview would be sympathetic to Jeffress, and defended the pastor for raising the Mormon issue: “What would anyone think if a candidate were a Scientologist?” Bott wrote. “Shouldn’t they want to know what the implications were that may flow therefrom?"

'Lane responded the next day with a lengthy email that began, “Thank you for what you are doing and for your leadership. Getting out Dr. Jeffress [sic] message, juxtaposing traditional Christianity to the false god of Mormonism, is very important in the larger scheme of things.”

'Doug Wead, a leading historian of the Christian right, has described Lane as “the mysterious, behind the scenes, evangelical kingmaker who stormed into Iowa in 2008 and tilted the whole thing from Romney to Huckabee.”

'Lane made clear in his emails that he has similar plans to derail Romney’s candidacy this time around. In fact, he told Bott that he would rather sit the race out than vote for a Mormon or President Obama'.
From : http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/10/16/rick-perry-camp-s-anti-mormon-message.html

I've said it before. This is going to get ugly. If it were over policy it would be one thing - but religion?

We, Americans, are OWED and intelligent (or as close as possible) debate ON THE ISSUES.

I think and hope that if the 'debate' were between Obama and Romney, the bar would at least be raised.

If Perry can knock off Romney? All Obama has to do is stand there. The crazy just comes natural to Perry.

And Cain?

Perry has to recover from his worse then bad performance in the debates. If he does, he has the money and will get the backing of the Tea and the Religious Right Conservatives. And the Tea and Religious Right WILL HAVE A CANIDATE.

Even a slow witted Conservative three term Governor trumps a crazy pizza guy. Well except to other crazy people.

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