Saturday, October 15, 2011

Put America Back To Work

THE 'Jobs Act' was way, way too small. But at least it tried to create SOMETHING.

We won't necessarily blame someone for trying and failing.

But we may blame someone for not even trying.

'When I heard President Obama announce The American Jobs Act, I mistakenly thought the Republicans wouldn’t dare vote against “American jobs.”

'The Republicans didn’t just vote against “American jobs,” they literally filibustered them'.
From :

'What would the American Jobs Act have accomplished'?

'The bill would have reduced the deficit by $6 billion over ten years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The Republicans filibustered deficit reduction'.

'The bill would have created nearly two million new jobs. The Republicans filibustered the creation of two million new jobs'.

'The bill would have increased the gross domestic product (GDP) by two points. The Republicans filibustered increasing the GDP'.

'The bill would have cut taxes for 98 percent of businesses. The Republicans filibustered a tax cut for businesses'.

'The bill would have offered a tax credit for military veterans returning from war. The Republicans filibustered a tax credit for the troops'.

'The bill would have reduced unemployment by a full percentage point. The Republicans filibustered a reduction in unemployment'.

'The bill would have been paid for by a 5.6 percent surtax on millionaires — a surtax that, again, a majority of Republican voters support. The Republicans filibustered paying for the bill'.
From :

But remember, it's NOT obstruction :

'“Obama is on the ropes; why do we appear ready to hand him a win?” said one senior House Republican aide who requested anonymity to discuss the matter freely. “I just don’t want to co-own the economy by having to tout that we passed a jobs bill that won’t work or at least won’t do enough.”
From :

These AREN'T normal political times. People ARE starting to THINK FOR THEMSELVES. More and more ARE using the net to actually discover the truth. Money for ads, campaigns and for profit news agencies are starting to have people ask 'why so much money?'

And when we question, we take the first step in learning.

For the first time in over two years, Democrats are ahead of Republicans in the generic congressional polling.

Today :
Republican-controlled Congress .......... 41
Democrat-controlled Congress ............. 45
Not sure -14

In August of 2011 the numbers were:
Republican-controlled Congress .......... 47
Democrat-controlled Congress ............. 41
Not sure -12
From :

There is a reason for that. The difference between the perception that someone IS trying and the other one ISN'T trying.

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