Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Christie - A 'modern fornt-porch campaign'?

With any luck we'll know by Wednesday or Thursday.

If Christie doesn't run, the 5,000,000 votes......


........the Republicians in State legislatures accross the Country have 'locked' out, may not make any difference.

The 'last men standing' will be Romney and Cain (no relation) (GRINS!). The Tea party joined at the hip to the extreme/fringe Right, HAS to have a Presidential candidate. That's Cain (for now) (In the last 8 months they have touted and lost - Palin, Trump, Bachmann and Perry). If by some bizzare miracle Cain were to win the nomination - then the election would be a cake walk for Obama.



......or not, Democrats and especially Independents will vote in droves just to make sure 'Crazy Cain' ISN'T elected.

If Romney wins the nomination, then the teabaggers break away. Romney ISN'T Conservative ENOUGH to them. Might not even be a 'real' American because he's a Mormon. So Romney could attract Independents (but still on a one on one with Obama, has to explain Romneycare v. Obamacare) but will lose far more 'take my Party back' Republicans.

This should have been an easy year for a White House victory for Republicans.

Grasping defeat from the jaws of victory by re-enacting the 'Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight'.

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'New York Republican Party Chairman Ed Cox, an old Republican hand who is formally neutral, outlined the suggestion in an interview today'.

"He just can not desert his job in New Jersey. He's a recently-elected governor with a Democratic legislature on which he's trying hard to impose fiscal discipline," Cox said. "That's the success on which his campaign rests."

"The only way I can see him doing it," he said, is a "modern front-porch campaign," consisting of large-scale policy addresses like his speech at the Reagan Library last week, of participation in debates, and of a basic ground organization -- but none of the immersive early-state retail campaigning that's widely seen as a necessity'.

"The air game would be [Home Depot founder] Ken Langone and others doing a completely independent committee," he said'.

'Cox suggested Christie make a "Christie-like" declaration: "I'm governor of New Jersey, I've got a job to do here. If financial supporters want to go out and do an independent Super PAC, they can do it. I will register to run for president. But my duties as governor come first".
From : http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/1011/For_Christie_a_modern_frontporch_campaign_.html?showall

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