Saturday, October 29, 2011

The 'You MIGHT blame someone for trying and failing...

But you WILL blame someone for not even trying..........

'Here's everything you need to know about the latest proposal by Democrats to reduce the national debt by $3 trillion, half of it cuts (including Medicare), half of it revenue increases, and it's the second paragraph of the Reuters story':

'Republicans rejected the Democratic initiative'.

'Any questions'?

'Poll after poll shows Americans want a combination of tax increases and spending cuts to rein in the national debt.  Republicans refuse.  Maybe that's why Congress has a 9% approval rating'. Go figure'.
From :

'Congressional Approval in Single Digits'

'The latest New York Times/CBS News poll finds the approval rate for Congress at just 9%, with 84% disapproving'.

'Meanwhile, President Obama's approval rating is at 46% and "appears to be elevated by positions he has taken on foreign affairs'."
From :

'Although plenty of political and economic diagnostic indicators are signaling danger for President Obama, this election season still doesn’t have a dominant direction. During the 2006, 2008, and 2010 cycles, the question was how many seats would the victorious party pick up, not which one the political tides would benefit most. But so far for 2012, the weather vanes are just spinning'.
From :

They are 'spinning' because The President spent 30 of the last 32 months on the sidelines. Only recently (because he wants to be re-elected) has he announced, supported and very actively and aggressively campaigned for these issues.

And they are 'spinning' because people see the Republican controled House refusing to debate legislation or the Republican minority Senate filibustering any legislation that might make the President or Democrats 'look good'.

Taking the politics and the poll approval/disapproval out of it.

The people of this Country are hurting. For the legislators to do nothing for 14 months as people continue to struggle, should be criminal.

Instead we will re-elect approx. 80% of our Congress as there are only approx. 40-50 Senate and House seats that are considered 'open'.

Tell me again how we are the 'Greatest Nation on Earth'.

It's not just the Republican or Democratic policies that are destroying the Country, it's the power of the political parties that is killing the middle class in favor of 'special interests' and the political parties agenda over the 'will of the people'.

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