After being a major player and screw up for two years, the teabaggers just became irrelevant with Governor Chris Christie's announcement.
Governor Christie said no to running for the Republican nomination :
leaving open the very real possibility of being drafted next September :
if the current crop stays the same and the even more likely possibility of running in 2016. Bush (Jeb) vs. Chrisite? Wow! Some REAL choices for the Republicans in 2016.
But unfortunately FOR the Republicans, it's 2012. . . . . . NOT 2016.
And with Governor Christie saying no, the chances of President Obama winning a second term just went way up.
It's now Former Governor Mitt Romney vs. Governor Rick (The Dick) Perry or Herman (Call Me Crazy) Cain.
Former Governor Romney.
Going to be hard to win the nomination. He is not an ultra/social Conservative. The early Primaries :
favor a strong social Conservative in 6 of the 11 States. Florida, Iowa, Missouri, Nevada, South carolina, Arizona. And on 'Super Tuesday' 6 of the 9 again favor a strong social Conservative.
Romney is looked upon as a 'eastern dandy' by hard core teabaggers. Being a Mormon, which many social Conservatives consider a 'cult' religion, will make for a very tough road in the early Primaries. Especially in the 'Deep South'.
And IF he does win the nomination, with the baggage of 'Romneycare' against President Obama's 'Obamacare'? Pleeeeeeeeese!
And that's BEFORE his 'job destroying' Bain Capital days :
Rick (The Dick) Perry.
For Perry, it ALL depends on next Tuesday's debate :
Yet ANOTHER bad performance and he's done. Even money won't buy the fringe's love for an idiot.
Which leaves Herman ('Call Me Crazy') Cain :
Herman cain reminds me of Genna Davis's famous line form the 1986 remake 'The Fly' - 'No. Be afraid. Be very afraid'.
He talks ummmmmm 'better' then Perry but rates just as high if not higher at times on the 'stupid index'.
But the teabaggers WILL have someone on the ticket and not just a VP. Without a teabagger as a
Presidental candidate, the finge may well tear the Republican Party apart.
So actually Governor Christie's announcement is a good thing!
Maybe the worst thing is is that we, Americans deserve an intelligent debate on the issues especially with the condition of our Nation.
It's not to say Governor Christie WOULD have given it but it is saying the remaining Republican field won't.
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