Saturday, October 1, 2011

The 'abstract concept' - Putting America back to work.

It's not about how much or little EACH of us pays but why and what amount to get the desired results.

The - why? is 'paying it forward'.

The - what amount? I'll go with Jefferson on this :

'Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise'.
Thomas Jefferson to James Madison
28 Oct. 1785
From :

The upper bracket tax rate is 36%. The proposals are to raise it BACK up to 39.6% - WHERE IT WAS 11 YEARS AGO. The pre 'Bush Tax Cuts'.

It's NOT a burden! It wasn't then and it still won't be now. It won't solve all of our problems but IT'S A START.

We have to do SOMETHING and our time is running out.

Our Nation IS crumbling. Our infrastructure is in need of a LOT of repair. Our educational system is second rate and falling. Our health care system is one of the best in the World but slowly becoming available to only those with money or insurance.

We need revenue to rebuild our Nation or soon we won't have a Nation.

It is THAT simple.

We homeowners understand that we have to keep investing in - maintaining and improving our homes or the value will go down.

Do you think our Country is ANY different?

That is a serious question.

If we don't invest in our Country, not just maintain it but improve it and build on it as our population grows, then our Country too will and is already falling apart.

Private industy WON'T rebuild our Country. They can only put people back to work.

But and it's a BIG BUT - cutting taxes WON'T make them hire people. Cutting the size of Government WON'T make them hire people.

Only a DEMAND for their product or service will have them hiring people.

To have a DEMAND, people have to have money to buy. With unemployment and underemployment between 9% and 25% - most people are scared shitless about spending unless they have too.

Private industry isn't going to do it. If the Government doesn't put people to work, create public jobs programs and do it soon, then we will remain stuck in this cycle.

No jobs because

companies won't hire because

no demand for their product/service because

people don't have money because

their are no jobs.

If the Government STARTS the process of putting people back to work, then as people begin to get paychecks they will NOT need the Government services of unemployment, welfare, medicaid etc. In fact they will begin to pay income taxes, adding to our Nations revenue.

People have money to spend and pretty soon private industry begins to hire and expand because of the DEMAND. The more people that are hired, the less the burden on the Government as to unemployment, welfare etc.

We 'pay it forward' or we keep it for ourselves and tell our children some fairy tale about how it was all the Governments fault.

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