'Congressional Democrats are mad at Democrats in the White House over prerogatives,
consultation and divergent interests'.
'Senior Republicans on Capitol Hill are mad at junior Republicans over the balance between
ideological zeal and political pragmatism'.
'Workhorses in the House are mad at divas in the Senate over everything, because they
always are'.
'Former advisers to President Obama are mad at current advisers over economic and
political strategy'.
'The White House staff is mad at the White House press corps over how its battles with
Republican adversaries are covered'.
'Democratic leaders were advancing what is called a “messaging bill” (designed for the
majority to score political points). Republicans were trying to force Democrats into “bad
votes” on amendments (point-scoring for the minority). Making law was secondary, since
House leaders had vowed to block the bill (to the relief of the administration)'.
'But Democrats, mad over a looming “bad vote” on the Obama jobs package they were
rewriting, used a rare maneuver to block it. The Republican leader, Mitch McConnell,
really mad now, accused Democrats of turning the chamber into the House — which senators
disdain as their inferior in statesmanship'.
'That’s what 9.1 percent unemployment, 39 percent presidential approval (in Gallup’s
weekend tracking) and 11 percent approval of Congress (in a CBS News poll last week) will
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