A little over a year ago, then candidate Michael Baumgartner said '“Another attack is that I just want to use the State Senate as a stepping stone to run for higher office,” Baumgartner, who attended Gonzaga Prep and WSU said. “It’s quite a compliment but I am afraid Chris is just projecting his own desires, not mine.”
From : http://www.spokanegop.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=294:desperate-incumbent-chris-marr-begins-false-attacks&catid=1:latest-news
And last week.............
'Baumgartner to run for Cantwell’s Senate seat'
From : http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2011/sep/30/baumgartner-run-cantwells-senate-seat/
So Chris Marr wasn't blowing smoke up our ass, you were.
Hey thanks Mike for announcing your campaign for US Senate HERE IN SPOKANE. Oh that's right. YOU DIDN'T. You announced it on KING 5 in Seattle!
After all WE only voted you into office.
Good thing you didn't sign a pledge on not running for a higher office. See George Nethercutt as to how we don't especially like people to break their promises to us.
Oh. While not on THAT - you DID sign a pledge :
YOU'VE just decided what parts you do and don't support.
IF you DON'T support ALL of it, then why did you sign it?
You're right Michael. We DO deserve someone that when we vote for them to represent us, they actually stick around for longer then a year.
What's that about teabaggers and holdinbg elected officals 'accountable'?
What's that? Oh he's a Republican and a Tea Party supporter so 'accountable' doesn't apply to him.
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