Thursday, October 6, 2011

THE only issue - Put America Back To Work

'As Greg Sargent explained in a gem of a post, Republicans have nothing to complain about, since we're already sticking to their script'.

'No hiring surge is going to happen until Obama and Dems actually agree to do it their way in policy terms'.

'No hiring surge will happen until that job killing stimulus spending winds down';

'until Dems allow Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts on the rich';

'until Dems agree to deep cuts to Federal programs';

'until municipal governments are forced to cut back and fend for themselves';

'until Dems embrace the notion that government must tighten its belt to restore business confidence';

'and until Dems begin seriously basing their policy response to unemployment on the conservative idea that if we only reduce the deficit, a thousand economic flowers will bloom'.

'Only then we'll see the surge in employment we're all waiting for'.

'Oh, wait...'

And adding Former President Bill Clinton..................

'You know, there's not a single solitary example on the planet, not one, of a country that is succesful because the economy has triumphed over the government and choked it off and driven the tax rates to zero, driven the regulations to nonexistent and abolished all government programs, except for defense, so people in my income group never have to pay a nickel to see a cow jump over the moon. There is no example of a succesful country that looks like that'.
From :

THIS is the ideological war we are having in this Country. This IS the issue.

Put America Back To Work.

THAT is the only 'issue'.

If we don't 'put America back to work', if we don't 'pay it forward', then we are so fragile right now, we as a Nation will fail.

It is that simple.

And Americans are slowing understanding that we AREN'T the Country of no.

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